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Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: September 7, 2024 at 2:14 PM
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maybe shouldn't bring up that T2 experience tho...

posted 11 months ago

what is this guy smoking?

posted 11 months ago

Keiko does play raze as well but definitely was a better jett so most of the time he was on jett + his raze is miles better than the neon/yoru coming from cNed

Wolfen needs more time, throws himself into fights he doesn't need to take very often and with jett not having his back now with that, I can't see him doing well if he stays in VCT

posted 11 months ago

selling laz is criminal

posted 11 months ago

uh oh

posted 11 months ago

I cannot see a world that cNed and Wolfen play in VCT next year, even though I have seen Wolfen connected to other teams in VCT. Wolfen just isn't ready for that top tier imo and cNed off jett is not promising

posted 11 months ago

Nuke-e, pretty sure thats what most people called him from CS if I remember right

posted 11 months ago

anyone but cypher, best on recon initiators

posted 11 months ago

ketchup is putrid

posted 11 months ago

CS2 is fun and I have been playing it. Valorant is fun and I have been playing it

posted 11 months ago

s0m and FNS streams for gameplay
sliggy for watch parties and tarik if sliggy isnt streaming them
TMV and sliggy as well for analyst stuff

posted 11 months ago

fuck around in customs is the way ive always learned lineups, find something you want to dart and look for somewhere that isnt stupid to dart from

helps people not know the lineup youre throwing, especially in immo+ when people know the most common darts on each map

you should also know the standard darts like the haven c dart, ascent b dart etc. but I feel finding your own lets you remember them easier

  • woohoojin has a really good video on ascent darts that he covered with cavern, watch it
posted 11 months ago

surely this man gets picked up by another org

posted about a year ago

KC BabyJ? He would fit right in

posted about a year ago

they should definitely worry, they arent guaranteed a spot and it is super likely at least 1 or 2 wont be in tier 1 next year like they should be + they will have to split up if they arent allowed to compete under another org, which is even worse wince the core has been together for a very long time now

posted about a year ago

qw1 was more expected than surprising imo

posted about a year ago

makes me happy to see the level of support he's always giving out, gotta love the guy

posted about a year ago

shes ok defence + the wall is pretty good

her nade dogshit at best

her trips and completely useless on attack unless the spike goes down (which she cant help to do AT ALL)

her ult could be good ig, strong in 1v1 but super situational

posted about a year ago

keznit and whzy is crazy recency bias + nukkye doesnt even play duelist anymore

posted about a year ago

cauanzin is good and can solo carry maps but he can be a little inconsistent compared to c0m and leo

posted about a year ago

2020: TenZ
2021: cNed
2022: Yay
2023: FNC Alfajer / FNC Leo / EG Demon1 (kind of torn between the 3 of them, alfa and leo have been insane but demon1 has been the best newcomer we have seen and had an insane rise to winning champs)

posted about a year ago

What is the general consensus so far? I've only really seen sliggy and bacon talking about it and they seem pretty positive about it

posted about a year ago

devs probably think abilities are too strong in general at the moment, especially with teams starting to farm orbs to have 3+ ults a half (just look at c0m)

posted about a year ago

I wanna see the C0M vs Leo battle, top 2 sovas in the world would be interesting

posted about a year ago

it'll be harder with more eyes on them but they could easily still be a very strong team that would be top contenders for international tournaments

posted about a year ago

its too good man, too smart

posted about a year ago

are we expecting changes?

posted about a year ago

Id like to see him and mistic playing together because I feel mistic used to have the same kind of problem but he was tearing up tier 2 emea when he moved down a bit and got insane confidence and most likely will be back to tier 1 this year

posted about a year ago

once the players got confidence they all were able to show how good they are, getting ethan while no other teams took him was actually insane

posted about a year ago

after his year he probably wont be in TL this year but I am really hoping he takes a top team in tier 2 to build confidence again because he can have some of the best multikill rounds

posted about a year ago

at least we will get more sideshow reactions :)

posted about a year ago

fuck it, let scream igl navi, surely that will end well

posted about a year ago

BcJ was super solid tho, always could be relied on

posted about a year ago

leo or c0m for sova but I would put cauanzin in the skye catagory + kangkang as gekko

posted about a year ago

engh more valorant experience but happy is a goat of french cs, would want to see happy tbh

posted about a year ago

subs might not be a thing in the new system with the affiliate team thing

posted about a year ago

ardiis was actually willing to flex to any role through his whole valorant career so im coping with that

posted about a year ago
  • ardiis

FPX nostalgia

posted about a year ago

I want to see him move onto a main roster spot somewhere, would really like to see him on PRX especially

posted about a year ago

Who do you guys want to win this match?

posted about a year ago

NA seems to have a lot of solid sova/viper players which is kind of missed in other regions so I would like to see some of them explore that

posted about a year ago

fnatic stopped innovating like they used to do a lot which made them too predictable imo

posted about a year ago

Now with most teams other than EG (most likely no changes) are done with the year, who do we expect could be brought up from tier 2

Was thinking verno, eeiu, zander, nismo, maybe koala, aproto, bdog, nature and maybe gmd to a french team like KC

not sure who I missed but definitely missed some that have a good chance of coming up to franchising

posted about a year ago

I would cry if I had to play paladins too tbf

saadhak is goated tho

posted about a year ago

he didnt miss a kill with a sova ult for multiple matches at the start of the tournament, for sure the best sova ult user

posted about a year ago

only agent he has a +1 rating with in the last 3 months is jett

no harm I like cned but he is fucked with these changes

posted about a year ago

theyre really good at capitalizing on mistakes and c0m is so fucking rock solid as a player its insane

posted about a year ago

ngl I wanna see ardiis back on sova like the good old g2 days

posted about a year ago

what players are you expecting to fall and what players are you expecting to show up again

yay is going to be the most wanted player again by FAR imo
rip cned
also really interested to see who something starts playing as his main agent or if he will somehow still make jett work

posted about a year ago

As much as I like fnatic I really wanna see PRX finally get an international win before jinggg takes his military service

posted about a year ago
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