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Registered: April 23, 2023
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 6:51 PM
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i wanna see w0nderful and donk though, excited for CS2 scene

posted about a year ago

furia is a really sad team tbqh, they have such solid players and kscerato is one of the best riflers itw and they still lose to t3 ass teams like 500.

posted about a year ago

don't care as long as we see good valorant and EDG makes it to top 4

posted about a year ago

you might be cooking, i assume yurii is flex but i'd probably take yaboilewis or musashi instead, if their english is good this is a tier 1 team in terms of firepower so could be decent

posted about a year ago

aren't davih and moh both controllers?

posted about a year ago

To be fair most of vlr sound like they only watch either Optic, fnatic, navi, or loud games and are stuck in 2022 where aspas and yay are still smurfing in vct

posted about a year ago

America's and EMEA proven equally fraudulent one team regions while APAC and CN is where the true competition is at.

posted about a year ago

BLG is not really that aggressive though. They take their time with slow pushes and take their time to sell presence or clear as a team. They don't win the first kill usually, they're just really good at team fighting and they're willing to give up a man advantage in exchange for information and mispositioning a player, NRG was always 5v4 getting the first kill, then they get owned by a clever midround setup or just get straight up outaimed

posted about a year ago

FNS gotta go before ardiis, can't outcall BLG, goes -10 every game, is old as shit taking the spot of a younger prospect, and gets caught on the lurk 9 times out of 10. ardiis is more like victor, he plays well on kayo, jett, chamber and is a playmaker not really a 1 to 1 replacement for yay who played a lurk or site anchor, you can tell no one on this team is good at lurking. i'd rebuild off of s0m and crashies maybe victor as well, there's guys like OXY and reduxx that really deserve a moment to shine and can improve a lot by playing at the highest level. I wouldn't get yay or marved even though they have the right playstyle, nowadays you need way more versatile with your playstyle and play multiple roles rather than being so static.

posted about a year ago

Let's be real there's much better and cheaper options in t2 than yay, and ardiis isn't even the biggest problem in NRG when FNS is -10 or worse in damn near every game, gets 0 impact on his lurks and he's being outcalled this hard by bilibili.

posted about a year ago

They have you as a fan
That's what makes me want EG to lose and crash out 0-4

posted about a year ago

yay, nats, tenz per rating and impact I'd say
Closest to do it now is maybe alfajer but the competition is so fierce now its hard to be a dominant player hard carrying teams

posted about a year ago

EMEA t2 has a lot of insane talents. A lot of well known cracked duelists like keiko, tomaszy, alive. Also some very underrated controllers like DaviH, jlerst, and Ruxic. However it's hard to judge because the skill gap is so variable across the scene.

posted about a year ago

Good team, mid fundamentals, improved a lot and quite a bit of potential, can be rough if qw1 is not fragging since the T side is quite reliant on him
Would benefit from more discipline and deeper agent pool and they could potentially be a consistent top 8 finisher

posted about a year ago

I think DRX is favored in their matchup still but BLG had some really good ideas, not sure if they've scrimmed before so it could be interesting. IMO it could come down to if stax steps up and they can play a dynamic game well.

I have no idea about EDG v. EG matchup it could be really weird, I'm wondering if EDG has played very well against a sova + skye heavy comp before.

posted about a year ago

You gotta get rid of a lot of the core if you're serious about winning and going top 8. There's a lot of IGLs with better firepower and solid t2 duelist choices in and out of NA. Other than crashies the fundamentals on the optic core has been in decline, ardiis gotta go but so does significant parts of the core here, you can't rely on just one person for firepower.

posted about a year ago

Ignorance is bliss

posted about a year ago

their teamfighting is absolutely awful, no util after calling the exec, no information prior to the hit, and they play 5 site post plants that just get punished by BLG's superior team fighting. they just looked like they didn't have a plan for the exec, like the 5 man ascent b hold on site in pistol is just so bad, and it's a mistake they were doing in tokyo as well at times. BLG also just had a game plan every time, it wasn't like the first time they went up against each other where biank and whzy were just absolutely dogging on them

posted about a year ago

they gotta blow up this roster and put some cracked fresh blood in instead of csjoe boomers is what they need to do, where's the m0nesy and b1t of NA man...

posted about a year ago

you're cookin but man redgar gotta hit IGL school again type shit they were not cookin at champs

posted about a year ago

Their ascent actually looks clean as fuck

posted about a year ago

stop peeking whzy bro. just stop

posted about a year ago

noobtab1e opinion discarded

posted about a year ago

Region rankings are dumb
Any team from any region can win
No pro player in their right mind should play different because they are playing a team from a different region, why would all this yapping matter

posted about a year ago

mfs aren't fnatic, i didnt say they played perfect, i'm saying sometimes they had a good game plan and they exec'd sloppy, sometimes they had a shit game plan and they somehow recovered it, but they played like FPX played back in the day, it just wasn't enough.

these guys had to play all of tokyo, then go directly to LCQ then hop back onto champs with everyone staring at their vods, have some respect, they at least took it close and obviously played their heart out while you are behind the screen with bits and pieces of cookie on your chin fuming about some shit you can't control

posted about a year ago

tbh they played well in champs and if shao didn't have a stinker they probably would've sent LOUD packing but they gotta whip up something new in the playbook for sure, the group is just stacked and only 2 were making it out
no excuse for tokyo though

posted about a year ago

Yes, but you can possess both. At the end of the day you still have to click a few heads to get your team across the finish line. It's fine to hang up the hat and teach newer cracked players how to call, how to improve their fundamentals, it's better for the scene, probably will bring your team more trophies.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the entire giants team

posted about a year ago

he'll play gekko time to time relax

posted about a year ago

a qual is a qual, nobody gonna say shit if NRG quals even though they never had to face FNC. plus navi and giants playing well despite holding some Ls, this champs just showing there's good teams everywhere lil bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bc not everyone is like you posted up on vlr with the thread prefire

posted about a year ago

giants look good rn though

posted about a year ago

??? too early to tell, lots of comebacks on pearl, incredibly momentum oriented map
but navi finally monitors on

posted about a year ago

yes only vlr users with no social experience would say otherwise unironically

posted about a year ago

get thru f0rsaken first

posted about a year ago

LOUD plays anti-info (harbor-viper) and cheeky angles (gives info and even better, time to time you get free kills), you can think of it how current CS players play CS. The best maps for this is, haven, pearl, icebox, bit less on bind but it can work well. NAVI plays more so with the old csjoe philosophy of a default for a pretty long time then explode onto site, but if you have 0 info constantly, hardly see anyone, and you lose map control when you decide to group and hit a site you're gonna have a really rough time. IMO the only EMEA teams that have an understanding of how to play against it is FNC and FUT, maybe GIA.

posted about a year ago

Sadly even if the individual player quality is better for NAVI (which is debatable), LOUD plays the most anti-NAVI style you can conceive of.

posted about a year ago

Chinese esports scene grows really fast, you can take league for example, similar thing happened, Riot is banking on that from an economics pov. There's a lot of potential for growth in China after the game got released there, more than half of the league players base is Chinese, so it stands to reason if it follows a similar trajectory as league that valorant will also have a big player base in CN (I don't think it will ever be as dominant as league, but it will be very competitive).

Also it's just good for CN teams to get experience internationally, otherwise you'll constantly get the one steamroller team consistently learning from squads around the world while all the other CN teams are playing their own game.

posted about a year ago

tbf fit1nho had an insane game too and there was good prep done in advance, depends on how EDG intends on adapting to it imho

posted about a year ago

stop fake flagging my heritage take that shi off all these mf regions 1 team regions

posted about a year ago

why you are hater?

posted about a year ago

burger king

posted about a year ago

they'll adapt unfortunately gia is not winning that rematch, sad.

posted about a year ago

and the two map picks are definitely gonna cook giants. RIP

posted about a year ago

lol, why are you convinced he can play a better skye than soulcas if he hasn't even played since 2022? the game has significantly changed and almost all of EMEA doesn't play against harbor viper. sheydos doesn't change the firepower that much either. there's no reason to change the roster unless there's someone outstandingly better than soulcas; i understand your point but he's an outstandingly better skye he'd just be dedicated initiator. the ones i see that are outstandingly better than soulcas are cloud, leo, maybe shao. whatever, it's all fantasy anyway

posted about a year ago

if sheydos was a better skye he'd be playing skye

posted about a year ago
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