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Registered: | March 5, 2021 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM |
Posts: | 2574 |
Imo, no matter what the coaching has to change. They come into matches with an incredibly strange approach to the game and their roster decisions to sub out Foxy and Zest mid-tournament is a mentally crushing blow to either player
Unless DRX literally win champs, changes have to be made. This roster has shown time and time again they don’t have the legs to make the jump from dark horse to real contender. The first thing that has to go is the coaching staff, and then a solution to the whole Zest and Foxy9 situation.
I think you have to had appeared in a tournament, like literally any tournament even in some random T3 weekly
should have gotten carti, 0/10
the headline implies that NaVi has an argument for being a title conteder, and the language used in the article is clearly building the narrative for a potential comeback from NaVi to the level of title contender.
Wardell is the biggest awp crutch in the scene, and he's not even on the same technical skill level as KangKang and other top awpers. His rifling and entrying is also shit so he can't play jett, there's a reason why he's just a streamer ranked demon now
Trembo's stats copypasta and the 0-16 shit are the furthest reaching thing this forum has created
you cannot call a team that lost to KOI anything close to a title contender
Not getting ur players passports sounds like an org problem, riot should have mandated something ab getting all rostered players the proper documents bc I know a lot of Americans don’t have their passport bc they don’t travel
Is that just because of the Ukraine war or was that a thing even before
I’m talking more in general, off the top of my head SUYGETSU at Copenhagen, D1 and something at Tokyo, and the entirety of FPX at Reykjavik had visa issues, while for example in CS, valve got 32 teams out to the Rio Major with few issues, and they had open qualifiers to deal with
Why does valorant have so many issues with getting visas for players, I feel like every tournament there’s somebody who is having trouble getting a visa to attend, or are even unable to attend entirely, yet other esports with significantly more events in other countries are able to get players visas even with open qualifiers and last minute additions title be team
It will get worse with CS2, riot is supporting Chinese valorant more right now than valve ever have in its entire lifetime. CN gets like, a playoff spot to qualify for the challengers stage of the major every year, some S tier event invites for like 1 team, and that’s it. Riot gave China a whole VCT circuit, and 25% representation at every Masters and Champions event. The difference in support is unreal.
#2 feels like insane copium from a CS fan that their game won’t just be an EU only game. CS2 is basically just the same game with updated graphics and some slightly new mechanics, is it not? Why would they suddenly have the sauce for making it succeed in Asia? SEA/SA have had little support from Valve in the past, and riot built half the countries in the region a solid challengers circuit, JP is firmly a valorant region, China is all Crossfire with a growing crowd for valorant, and Korea have OW, Sudden Attack, and Val. APAC has simple moved on from CS, in the same way NA will in the coming years when the talent pool from NA starts to dry up from all the best young players moving games. We are already starting to see this happen now, there’s barely any NA orgs left and they are kind of just cycling the same players back and forth, or TL just going and becoming an EU roster.
From my understanding of the article you linked, it’s saying that the presence of testosterone has very little to do with a higher spacial ability, and has more to do with how men are socialized into participating in hobbies they would increase their spacial ability more than women
Have the T2 circuit play year round, open qualifiers happen maybe a few weeks or a month after ascension to give a break, and after that they go into the regular season into a playoff for circuit points. Any team who didn’t make playoffs has to make it through another open qualifier again, cycle repeats, and the teams with the most circuit points makes Ascension. This allows players to get practice year round, while also allowing for a healthy cycling of new talent to come into the system.
T2 never should be and never will be a space where teams can buy in with an all-star roster and expect to succeed every time, I believe it would be more fit for orgs on a budget who scout out young talent and develop them to try and make Ascension, but that ultimately isn’t the reason behind the roster construction, it’s to flip this talent for profit.
He could be better bc his ct awp is world class
On CT he carries because his awp is insane, but his lack of aggression stagnates literally anything 100T want to do on the T side. Moving to sentinel allows him to continue locking down sight lines, and possibly even more effectively with sentinel util as well as the awp, while allowing a star, and more importantly more aggressive, duelist player to lead the T side.
They still aren’t totally accepted and the lower player base historically means there’s a much lower playerbase ready for comp play as they exist now. GC teams basically have to teach their players from scratch how to play the game at the highest level, meanwhile most of the open quality teams not only have equal or better skill just because they’ve been playing longer, they also have more experience playing. I expect as time goes on more women will be ready for the T2 level, and eventually (hopefully) the GC circuit will have ran its course and VCT can be fully integrated.
Cryo’s awping style is already passive as fuck, him sitting in the back of site and holding main with an awp won’t really change much if he’s on Jett vs on sentinel. He’s young and skilled enough to adapt his awping style to this new agent class. This allows him to play chamber more often without messing up roles, and then 100T can sign a much more aggressive duelist player to pick up the pace. Who says no?
I can never fault someone for trying to innovate with their production, but it felt like he was trying way too hard to make an overproduced bombastic art experience.
Well if we are making subregions for some stupid reason then why arbitrarily make them when we can just use the ones riot used before franchising
Dude is one of the most mechanically talented players too, it’s so bad that his ego fucks over every team he’s on
Get Scream off IGL and a GM that doesn’t ride Screams cock all day and they’ll be good, France/Belgium has enough talent to manage at least a playoff level team
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player with so much control over a team, if he wants to IGL he gets to IGL, if he doesn’t like Newzera, that fucker is gone, if he wants to play no duelist then they go with it, if he wants to play with Nivera, then Nivera is on the team.
he's definitely not talked about as much as his teammates tho, and I'd say that's underrated compared to his skill
Nats has to be #1 bro, never seen anybody use the prism phantom before him
For Fnatic, Derke is probably the least talked about player on the team, and ppl don't talk about him enough considering he's still around a top 5 duelist in the world
Pacific such a top-heavy league, even more than EMEA imo. DRX and PRX are so clear of every other team in that league its ridiculous, the gap between FNC and the rest EMEAis much closer than the gap between DRX and PRX and the rest of pacific
there used to be one in 2022, it's how FPX and NAVI qualified into the main EMEA challengers system
Carti doing too much just drop an album already bro
Liquid and NaVi top 6 is hilarious
Loud got eliminated by the two hottest teams in Tokyo while they played the worst valorant of their lives, and they cooked up dogshit ideas for no reason and went away from everything that got them success in the regular season. Last year Loud had internal struggles that led to Sacy and Pancada leaving bc they didn't like Less but they still won champs, and if they play Aspas on Jett instead of Neon they will be completely fine, and above Giants and KRU who you have above right now
Team Liquid have had very similar struggles throughout the season where they had very up and down form and Redgar ints the rounds away for no reason when they are in a good spot. That Grand Finals match against FNC was a coincidence of monstrous proportions, where Liquid played the greatest game of their lives and FNC played the worst match of the season that combined for Liquid to win
NaVi need to keep Ange1 away from ever making a team comp ever again, put Zyppan on raze, and maybe I'll believe in them but they are always just convinced they've solved the key to meta development and create some absolutely off the walls comp and then lose
TL, NaVi, and Loud placements have me questioning your sanity
no Chronicle ace vs KRU, Champions 2021 Semifinal?
you can get better Mexican food by going to a taqueria or sum but it's decent
That antistrat merchant will never make it to an International LAN again
there's even more useless emojis tbh, like what the fuck am I supposed to do with this⚱️
pov: you have no idea what you're talking about
Aspas is definitely an upgrade over dgzin, no hate
From Seangares and Slasher
Move Khalil to sentinel/2nd controller
traditional sports are largely regional, people from LA are likely to support the Lakers, and people in Manchester will probably be United or City fans.
Esports are not nearly as regional, it's much more international and there are no real regional ties for most orgs
where is mwzera?
off-seasons for sports suck for me, I'm a CFB fan and in the summer and spring I am going through 247 and on3 looking for any bite of info about my team before the season