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Registered: July 4, 2022
Last post: October 21, 2024 at 6:02 AM
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im sure theyll do fine^ look at keiko, destructivee and nille after they swapped teams; all of them have huge potential and im sure we'll see more of them

posted about a year ago

yea even when explicitly asking some players on twitch that seemed to know about this I wasn't able to get any specifics from them (in terms of bonkars role on oxg)
so we'll have to wait for the announcement ig, shouldn't be too long since bonkar already had to leave the team (I assume this is because he officially signed and riot will have rules against competing on 2 teams)

posted about a year ago

credit to Mortadelo for bringing this up on vlr first https://www.vlr.gg/post/1775325/human-tripwires-vs-bonk-challengers-league-northern-europe-polaris-split-1-r1

since there's been a couple pro players also talking about it, as well as the tag, id say the swap is pretty much 100% at this point

posted about a year ago

bonkar is (with an incredibly high likelihood) going to oxygen (thats why he was wearing their tag last series too)

posted about a year ago

ye they ff
there sadly isnt a bonk without bonkar

posted about a year ago

Shame it ended like this
Hope the bonk youngsters do well next season, they have insane potential

posted about a year ago

if you wanna shit on a game at least watch it x.x
you forgot the entire first half of streaks

posted about a year ago

ey ey ey theyre only -51 on rounds atm, they're not doing that bad D:

also they did some role swaps which for whatever reason just works magic for them

posted about a year ago

oh ye I do agree that they look better now than they did back then^ but its only been turkey vs turkey since they made the change so it doesnt help us with trying to find out how vrl regions compare

posted about a year ago

its pretty much impossible to tell
Parla lost to (old) bonk, bonk lost to ff, but then parla played worlds better than ff

All we really have to go off atm for how good turkish teams are is scrims (which turkish teams do notoriously well in), and our own judgement (which is at least as bad)
That being said Sliggy has said multiple times on stream that he believes Turkey is probably the strongest vrl region atm, and now boaster with a similar statement, so Id probably go with that till we finally get our international matchup

Current interview the coach of Apeks: he said that he thinks FF (based on scrimbux) and Acend are the teams hes most wary of in Ascension

posted about a year ago

bonk can still end on 4-3, so no team is safe yet^
but ye everyone currently in top 4 has at least 1 game they're very favored in AND bonk would have to win this convincingly

posted about a year ago

ye, but its not only up to their own performance at this point
I think its wins -> maps -> rounds -> h2h but im not confident in the order
trying to find vrl specific rules is always a nightmare so I hope someone can correct me here cause imma be lazy ;3

posted about a year ago

lmao they actually looked at their vrl teams already struggling to find orgs, and decided that reducing the org pool for the t3 scene even further was a good idea

Riot yall be hiring some geniuses

posted about a year ago

Timestamp https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1727030528?t=02h52m37s
This has nothing to do with loud specifically, boaster quite explicitly said they do this for every team during every major tournament
Heck the only region he calls out for doing it is EU

posted about a year ago

actual behind the scenes info here ;3 he's been doing 1 on 1 coaching for a while now so im interested to see what position he takes in their coaching lineup (assuming he's leaving bonk and swapping)

Thank ya for checking for us too

posted about a year ago

do you have a timestamp/general idea when it was? aint having much luck by just fast forwarding though the vod

posted about a year ago

Huh swear I've heard this stuff before...

Oh well, at least we know to listen to older generations when it comes to new forms of entertainment, after all those comic books and modern music messed the youth up real bad

posted about a year ago

Now this is the HTW I was expecting after the roster moves
If they're this prepared for more maps then their rest of the season is gonna be amazing

posted about a year ago

This is the last chance for bonk pretty much
Win this, get a good round differential and pray

Would be sad to not have them make it to playoffs

posted about a year ago

Hes doing fine?
He's part of a struggling bonk who went into this season with hardly any practice, losing 2 members right before the start.
Their first game vs VAMONOS he was amazing so that's something ig? other 2 were meh; he doesn't particularly stand out compared to the other talent Polaris has.

posted about a year ago

I "hate" you so much for losing bonk this game

posted about a year ago

id agree if it was map 1 vs bonk
bonk and winning map 1 in polaris group stage just dont mix

ok its still crazy

posted about a year ago

This game very much seems like an anti-strat one so its hard to read too much into it
But gosh dang they're clean, have discipline and firepower to back it up; if the ascension were to be this week there'd be no competition

(well except bonk, but that's unfair for all other teams anyways)

posted about a year ago

Enzo back on his "imma diff scream and nivera" form, gosh dang
And Keiko is still looking amazing so thats good to see

posted about a year ago

the problem is that now we cant use any of the results except for who won to tell each other how each others teams/regions suck
32nd place might be better than second because 32nd also lost to the winner

posted about a year ago

I really dont know
Country wise it has a couple of countries that are still heavily rooted in cs; but to have the league only get slightly more viewership than DACH?! Thats just so weird for SUCH a good scene

In terms of orgs... well considering what we saw with Tundra I feel like thats directly tied to the viewership
It also doesnt help that the VCL format doesnt reward competitive regions since only 1 team moves on

posted about a year ago

I'll eat a picture of bonkar regardless; its the best breakfast if you wanna become Gigabrain (and im on vlr so I clearly need it)

Im gonna have to personally see how the roles work out since the loss of Keiko is rough and I dont think Seider is meant to replace 1 for 1; just dont know what role hes gonna end up filling.
Juseu looks like a really good raze but he's also always been forced into a weird flex with Bonk/BDS before so this is gonna be a bit of a change.
Except that they now added the best sentinel in Polaris (heck even in t2 with how consistently he's been carrying even in the VRL finals)

If peeps look good on their roles its gonna be straight to ascension with these players

posted about a year ago

Ok I was really confused what had happend yesterday only looking at the scoreline.
Mdr should be farming these new teams since they have the same skill but more experience

Having now seen the first 6 rounds it makes sense

posted about a year ago

but he doesn't have much time left. He needs to be a world class player by kickoff
Remember he was picked over every single Korean t2 player, who have been grinding val comp scene for years proving themselves; he NEEDS to be absolutely amazing

deadlines rough but ey, worked out for Nivera last year, so what tf do I know

posted about a year ago

o thats rough
but thanks for following up on it^^

posted about a year ago

time to change 4 players again next season

posted about a year ago

they did every split so thats really not a good sign for their playoff

posted about a year ago

o just having fun xD dw I know what im in for with babysasuke as soon as someone/thing from EMEA is mentioned

posted about a year ago

he doesnt cast, hes an analyst so pretty much everything you see of him in vct will have to do with his analysis style
and yea I can definitely see how such a negative style can lead to it sounding condescending; I highly doubt thats his intention behind it and rather just a side effect

posted about a year ago

tell me you dont care about vod reviews without telling me you dont care about vod reviews

posted about a year ago

Its his style of analysis; its not that he means bad towards the players its just that he has super high expectations of pro players and as such rather looks at mistakes

posted about a year ago

huh didn't even notice that; that's surprising since who cars competed for 2 whole seasons in the t2 scene now AND they have a proper logo

guess mods were so sure they were getting signed they didn't wanna bother ;3

posted about a year ago

Uuuuh replies arent exactly helpful here so imma chime in a tiny bit

Unfortunately I cant give you a solution since I've never had a 10th gen intel cpu to test on, so for all I know the fps are what you should be expecting

When checking for CPU usage in games make sure to change to "logical Processors" in task manager (or whatever monitoring you use) since most games wont use all cores of a cpu (so the total usage will always be somewhat low); if some of the processors regularly cap out/get close to, then everything normal and that's just the fps you should be expecting
Then, while imo super unlikely, make sure your ram isnt shitting the bed while playing
And watch the temps on your cpu (and ig gpu too) since you might be throttling

If all that's normal you're gonna have to start troubleshooting; think googles gonna be more helpful there than me who's going through generic steps

posted about a year ago

Bonk (https://www.vlr.gg/team/377/bonk) is one of the top t2 teams in EMEA (currently 13th on the leaderboard) and still doesn't have its flair
Given that both Finest and Tundra flairs got removed (a while back tbf) I cant show my support to the team via flair anymore :(

This was requested 2 months ago too but denied by Styx because "Unfortunately the bonk flair doesn't look good so we aren't adding it" (https://www.vlr.gg/156066/mods-come)
Since then the Disguised team flair got added which faces the exact same issues as the bonk flair (being black text rather than a traditional logo), except a lot worse since its also invisible in white-mode due to the lines being so thin they disappear at points when compressed, so I'm requesting that you reconsider and add the flair for the next ascension winners ;3

posted about a year ago

bit late but the rules define those eligible as someone who is "(i) a citizen of a country in the League Territory or holds additional citizenship rights (such as those of the EU) for that League Territory, (ii) a lawful permanent resident, or (iii) the holder of other special status (e.g., refugee or asylum status) in a country in the League Territory"

So for most of the "non Spanish flag but are actually Spanish" players I'd expect it be be citizenship
(though that's very much me talking out of my behind)

posted about a year ago

Idk sounds like a pretty good process. Finally a clear path into joining t1; just practice your crouch walking in dm and ez spot

posted about a year ago

the true tech enjoyer here
Amd AND nvidia sli

posted about a year ago

even then its just not worth it xD look at a Titan (which is now the 90 class GPUs) and then look at a 3060 6 years later
Future proofing isnt a thing in tech, stuff just improves too fast. (And yes ik nvidia went out and said that "moore's law is dead", but theyre also the most biased entity to say that, since theyre enjoy scalping everyone atm)

posted about a year ago

Ignoring money Nvidia is better
Both performance wise they still have the best gpus (on the VERY high end... aka 4090) as well as being slightly ahead in driver stability
They also have the higher adoption rate which tends to help when you have niche compatibility issues.

That being said depending on your market they're just horrible value compared to amd. A month ago (havent checked since) a new 6700xt was cheaper than a 3060 in Germany.
So which ones are better is gonna be on a case by case basis depending on what deals ya find.

posted about a year ago

L1nk and dima are really good firepower
dont disagree with the conclusion though

posted about a year ago

nah its a streak
And bonk aint gonna be losing ;3

posted about a year ago

nah Bonk/Guild was farming NiP after he left.

NiP was still a good team (guardians of t1), but they could never reach Guild level.

posted about a year ago

Id love for Guild to sign the barbers. Would be one less team to worry about as a bonk supporter, since bonkar has yet to lose a series against a team that dropped him.

posted about a year ago

bonk is definitely up there
Mandatory was looking really good too during the Coupe De France

posted about a year ago
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