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Last post: October 21, 2024 at 6:02 AM
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with recent results 100% without a doubt

Alliance filled a similar spot early on though hence the comparison (7/8 Masters 1 and then consistently upsetting different t1 teams, at the top of t2, but not showing enough consistency for me to be confident in calling them t1 during their "prime")

posted about 2 years ago

Boo left pre g2 didnt he?

Feel like Giants was a very Alliance like team, where they have 4/5 top t2 players but cant consistently break into t1
So imo splitting was great for them since it allowed them their players to get more t1 experience and prove that they very much belong at the top

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like not everyone is interested in the on the fly analysis they do and would rather have them commentate what you can directly see since it tends to be more hype instead
Its different preferences for different people; I very much enjoy their slower casting

posted about 2 years ago

please dont jinx him, let him finish this series strong before yall go to war over this

posted about 2 years ago

why feel bad when it worked, bbl are shaking in their boots atm with Guilds confidence

posted about 2 years ago

they played a lot better today, meddo and avova decided that they didnt wanna lose 2:0 and map 3 was just dominant
They also didnt fall back into their usual style of doing the same execute every round till it gets shut down today so thats good for their future

I still dont think theyre gonna make it past the next round, but we'll have to wait and see

posted about 2 years ago

helping mixwell out there

posted about 2 years ago

pretending that the team who has gone through THIS many roster iterations isnt trying to improve is just wrong
the thing with the roster is that on paper g2 is a top team so any roster changes you make are just straight up gambles (mixwell maybe being the exception? but we dont have scrims so hard for me to say)

Every time they dropped half their roster to pick up new star players it didnt work out and they got flamed for not sticking and improving with a roster, so them trying to build up synergy is a really nice change of pace

posted about 2 years ago

im not

posted about 2 years ago

According to his interview with Yinsu it was misunderstood, since we only had officials (where he was still playing smokes primarily), while he was talking about scrims (where he was playing breach on almost all maps)
He doesnt mind the smokes but disliked the breach playstyle he was getting forced into by the trial (not Emil) coach

posted about 2 years ago

oh yea xD the term Korean jett didn't appear out of nowhere, yall have a few crazy peeps over there

posted about 2 years ago

gotta allow for more 13-0s somehow

posted about 2 years ago

Rb is still a beast online so its too early to say^^
But t3xture has always been more consistent while rb is alot more flashy imo

posted about 2 years ago

he didnt have to prove it right away smh

posted about 2 years ago

his jett has been looking good mechanically while in the vrl; hes been playing her for a while now so its not like the old guild yacine jett days

posted about 2 years ago

step 1 to making a good Turkish team is taking MrFaliN as your igl, dude makes good calls and frags, what more do you want

posted about 2 years ago

either best player or a below average duelist (to put it kindly)
theres rarely an in-between

posted about 2 years ago

From what sliggy has said about Emil this observation would be correct, with him being someone who works on fundamentals
They still have bacon as their analyst so they shouldnt be falling behind on strats either, so it seems promising

Only question is if Scream will be able to translate the prep into calls ingame since that used to be their biggest issue (imo)

posted about 2 years ago

as well as that bleed are a team that would benefit from getting a day to anti-strat while onic really didnt mind
and yeeeea.... bleed had an interesting game

posted about 2 years ago

the good ol' fpx special

posted about 2 years ago

problem is they didnt have much time to practice with the new roster, so we dont know how many strats will be there yet
switching 2 players before a big tourney is always risky, though i have very high hopes for them

posted about 2 years ago

theyre a team that just lost 2 of their core players so theyre very much on the weaker side of the competition

posted about 2 years ago

Maru have never really been impressive with their gameplay; theyre good but never look like anything special, so I have 0 idea how theyre gonna match up against a lot of these niche teams

posted about 2 years ago

This is gonna be an interesting test for EDG to see how far the region is; they're playing against the weakest ONS we've had in a while, losing King was huge and they just didn't have much time to practice with their new roster

posted about 2 years ago

that's an understatement, there's a huge difference in onur kru and no onur kru
(like they're still a good team, don't get that wrong, but they just haven't looked nearly as good as they did during masters since he left)

posted about 2 years ago

trigger discipline like that is usually good, you dont expect your opponents aimbot to work 360 degrees
supamen just got that premium product

posted about 2 years ago

Feel like both teams watched the Split of m3c vs Acend and saw it as a challenge
The chaos is amazing

posted about 2 years ago

he said on the interview that playing smokes wasnt what he was unhappy with, rather being that he was playing breach on almost all maps
(5:17:20 on the vod, since i cant clip on Yinsus channel)

posted about 2 years ago

lmao nah
even if we try we peeps on vrl would end up talking bs anyways (go look at reddit lul) so might as well embrace our bronze brains ;3

posted about 2 years ago

? I can fully say its out of place for a professional to directly and publicly insult players that didnt do anything to prompt him; its your choice how you represent yourself regardless on what talkshow you go on
And considering he never contested the translation, that people were losing their mind over, as misrepresenting him, I have to assume it was accurate

posted about 2 years ago

so we're all professionals now?
Eyyyy i finally get to flame teams without having to be careful about talking bs, im a professional after all!

posted about 2 years ago

Except he was completely wrong; g2 most likely were spending more money on their team since they were currently paying for 1 more staff member, while really not standing out whatsoever compared to Guild (who we're using as our baseline for "paycheck stealers")

And no neither team were paycheck stealers, both were consistent t1 so it was just so out of place

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with g2 (though theres also a lot of personal bias in there since i hate their style) but OGLU wouldnt be out of place in NA lcq whatsoever

OGLU do well on fundamentals and have decent strats, but lack fire power normally (apparently they have amazing aim this series so ???) so I dont think they'd be a favorite in NA either but theyre def no blowout regardless of region

posted about 2 years ago

wtf are those "corners" you speak of?

posted about 2 years ago

Oh 100%, xeta was amazing

posted about 2 years ago

And another thread thinking that curry being added suddenly made everyone in the team preform so much worse that Vanity is now their best fragger
Like come on guys at least try to watch the games and see that they're "struggling" as a team instead of "curry bad reeeeeeeeeeeee"

posted about 2 years ago

I really dont get why people focus THIS hard on curry when the team in general is just struggling atm;
their star player in leaf has been preforming meh for a while now
same with mitch, meaning they dont have a top tier chamber abuser
The amount their igl has top fragged is frightening (though its Vanity so ya know)

Theres just a lot going on with their lineup atm, so blaming it all on a single player/roster move is just disingenuous

posted about 2 years ago

I think it depends on what region you're playing in; if you can manage to consistently qualify in EMEA that's SO much more valuable than winning a single event, because on average you will make it to a decently high ranking in the international event
For a small region like Japan on the other hand the run Zeta is invaluable because you now set the bar for future Japanese teams (and also prove that your region CAN do damage at international events and shouldn't be dismissed)

posted about 2 years ago

I mean considering a ton of the toxicity is directly towards bleed players and their analyst its on the line
But its also not like APAC fans are less toxic to other teams when they're against their fav team so it is what it is

posted about 2 years ago

Classic bleed and being the 3rd best team of the event
The perfect finish to their year, 100% consistency

posted about 2 years ago

you mean like their academy team?

posted about 2 years ago

Roster changes also tend to motivate teams by bringing a breath of fresh air into what is now a very long standing roster, so im def not opposed to the idea

posted about 2 years ago

Their players seem fine, so while sure you can swap some peeps out for potentially better players it wont make a difference since fragging wise they've been doing fine
The thing they need to work on is strats; executes, telling your team when you want to peak and waiting for util and then just practicing double swings so they can start trading effectively
Its not like theyre a bad team atm but they just feel like theyve fallen behind on teamplay

posted about 2 years ago

Good news is that not having time to prepare is gonna favor onic, compared to bleed who have effective antistrats
Only question is how tired players are after the last series

posted about 2 years ago

This game is slightly tilting to watch, both teams just dont feel like using their util, with the majority of round being decided by an aim duel (or an lurk because people dont check corners apparently)

posted about 2 years ago

Imma be real Vit should have gone out way earlier with their map pool in my opinion (welcome to getting screwed by a bo1 format ig) but just pulled through by being what is essentially a t1 team

But oml I SO wanna see Fut in t1 now, I still believe MrFalin in the best igl turkey has, since hes been making amazing calls without falling behind too far on frags
qraxs was a beast this series with a great agent pool too, like not even close on the last 3 maps
And yea... like the entire team was so impressive this event, that I feel like they could cause upsets in lcq, with their only visible weakness being the lack of a top tier chamber abuser

posted about 2 years ago

So according to Jamppi, Dimasick isn't the igl atm (since that was one of the theories of why dimasick was getting picked)

posted about 2 years ago

last stage was a bit wild with xerxia dropping down to lowers round 1 vs TS (who got rekt by Bleed 2 games before so gl judging their power level in that event) and then just eliminating everyone

posted about 2 years ago
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