Flag: Ukraine
Registered: August 14, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 7:48 PM
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death of valorant is coming in brazil, hopefully pain gets better in CS

posted 1 week ago

basically it requires DRX in this champs 2024 to get top 3 . Not out of this world ,but tough

posted 1 week ago

their CEO didn't say for their team, just a buy out of the contract so that he is technically a Free Agent

posted 1 week ago

I mean now he has the entire eastern european scene is now praying on Aurora to get top 3 at the International in dota. Their CEO basically made a bet ''if Aurora get top 3, I give you all the money to buy out s1mple''

posted 1 week ago

pretty sure it was a meme post, but imo it would be hilarious if he went to valorant and somehow turned out to be cracked then came back to cs with a different org and then regained his number 1 ranking

posted 1 week ago

benched currently, unlikely to return back as navi are currently number 1 in the world, it's time to become top 1 in another discipline

posted 1 week ago

it would be easier if the management is good

posted 1 week ago

there are plenty of examples in esports where a team remains at the top for long periods, it just requires a management with a working brain

posted 1 week ago

bitch ass meta comps vs ''haha, fire blud go vzoom''

posted 1 week ago

honestly might be a stupid suggestion, what about Barbados or some other Carribic country? Just host the venue there, I am sure these smaller countries will want to attract tourists using esports. Malta seems to be enjoying their collab with ESL for CS, I am sure there will be some candidates

posted 1 week ago

navi s1mple
navi derke
navi nAts
navi Shao
navi Suygetsu
it's time

posted 1 week ago

renting a place isn't the problem. Managing the roster, spending money on correct people and valuing the talents you have is a problem for some teams

posted 1 week ago

memea too bad to get trophies tbh

posted 1 week ago

I was surprised that navi even had the valorant team tbh :D

posted 1 week ago

I hear voices in my head
They counsel me
They understand
They talk to me

posted 1 week ago

the one who is the winner is the one who has less retards
if you guarantee that you are not a retard, the maximum number of retards in your team is 4.
In less explicit words, become the guaranteed good player in the team, so that the going gets easier for your team

posted 1 week ago

should honestly blame their org for not wanting to spend any money and then having a 99% chance to get kicked out of franchising

posted 1 week ago

if none these things come to play, pain with biguGOAT are winning IEM RIO and Shanghai Major

posted 1 week ago

feel like both teams can find better options elsewhere

posted 1 week ago

and I thought Astralis s1mple takes were retarded....

posted 1 week ago

honestly, it's just what took him to that level. like people call Jordan petty, but I really doubt MJ would achieve the same greatness if he was less competitive. His teammates also said that s1mple isn't really toxic, he just wants to win 5 times as much as others

posted 1 week ago

like bro had a fucking dialogue with that dude, freestyle translation.
S1mple: You say that you will become better than me, bro, then go on and become better. When you get 21 mvps, then we will fucking talk. I think in 15 years time you will write again in the chat, but now I can just instaban you here

posted 1 week ago

huge ego. when he was young, like 18-19, he just had a huge big ass ego where he would have moments where he tells his older teammates to ''go fuck themselves'' and 'shut the fuck up while he is playing''. War also took the effect on him. Like bro wasn't home and lived hotel to hotel for 1.5 years, I am sure it could affect anyone

posted 1 week ago

not only that, bro said that he will unban that chatter if he gets more MVP awards than him 💀💀

posted 1 week ago
really doubt that it will happen bud

posted 1 week ago

your logo literally looks like some generic mascot for a twitch channel

posted 1 week ago

retweeted some racist post

posted 2 weeks ago

because it is used as a swear in esports.

posted 2 weeks ago
you and this take

posted 2 weeks ago

tarik player comeback is truly one of the valorant moments

posted 2 weeks ago

when translated, it is a bigotted phrase, in common context it's mostly to call a person motherfucker, a ratty person, a scammer. Also why is it dangerous to be lgbt in those countries? Maybe just those countries have other problems to fix? before discussing wether using slurs is good or bad?

posted 2 weeks ago

because they don't mean it, they don't think their opponents are guy, like some people say motherfucker, they don't mean that that person fucks mothers, it's just a word, sometimes it's not that deep

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean that if you are looking into someone's dirty sides/secrets/things/accidents then 99% of the fucking playerbase will get cancelled

posted 2 weeks ago

So then let's cancel all the russian speaking pros in all of esports?

posted 2 weeks ago

the bad ones the GOOD-WORKING ones :) Boo just wanted to show his support for the miners of Lithuania :)

posted 2 weeks ago

because it is a well known fact that you tackle toxicity, racism, hatred and opression with your own toxicity, racism, hatred and opression!

posted 2 weeks ago

Fucking true, you see one, and then you get spammed with them

posted 2 weeks ago

sadly the setting is more acceptable for these people, if they were to try cancelling someone in CS Or Dota they would most likely get ''LMAO'' as an official reply

posted 2 weeks ago

They do this shit for interaction. That's all they do it for. Either they get the ''wow, thanks for being anti-racist'' message or ''why are you trying to cancel a person'' and then they can call themselves warriors for something great and not twitter nolifers. These people aren't led by some motives or some ideas or wanting to help someone, just the recognition of how tolerant they are

posted 2 weeks ago

retweeted some weird racist shit about how black people ruin europe, said it was an accident, kinda makes sense given how slow and random the touchscreen can be on the phone, and it's quite easy to accidentaly spam the button in the pocket especially given that the repost and confirm repost buttons are in the same place

posted 2 weeks ago

block and ignore these people on social media, seems logical enough.

posted 2 weeks ago

I hope all goes well for him, would be sad for him if something were to happen

posted 2 weeks ago

like that feminist asking why milk producing cows only have female names :D

posted 2 weeks ago

Twitter is a fucking cesspool, I get fucking gore, sydney sweeney booty pics, alcoholics fighting and some HISTORIC VIDS where the first comment I see is some OnlyFans bitch

posted 2 weeks ago

It's just sad IF he gets cancelled for this, might as well go after all the russian-ukrainian-russian speaking pros cuz i am 99% sure they have used the word pidoras (means f**got) at least once in their life when reffering to an enemy. Does that make them homophobic?fuck no.

posted 2 weeks ago

I am sure the professional player who was media trained is retarded enough not to check the profile he is on

posted 2 weeks ago

are people that fucking bored in the offseason that they want to just harass someone for a fucking accidental repost?

posted 2 weeks ago

I don't think you can hate on people who had personal things stolen by these people buddy.

posted 2 weeks ago

I wish I knew

posted 2 weeks ago
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