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Registered: August 14, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 7:48 PM
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I would say FaZe is probably the richest, like they are owned by GameSquare, not some content creator group

posted 1 week ago

I doubt esports is cooked, just overinflated. The only ones making profits are players and the game developer, Orgs need to jump out of their fucking pants to afford the best players.
IMO the best solution is a clear salary cap, kinda like what F1 does, limit the spending and punish anyone who goes over it

posted 1 week ago

I mean I didn't see similar messages coming from EMEA orgs, so maybe someone just overinflated on expenses?

posted 1 week ago

take a look at the North American teams
EG - had to cut costs on their Champs winning team
Sen - needed injections to stay alive
NRG - Chet took a pay cut to afford the buyouts
C9 - CEO admits to cutting costs
G2 - pretty stable but not a franchised team
100T - NadeShot had an hour long podcast on how much money 100T lost on esports
I wonder how these problems might affect the 2027 resigning

posted 1 week ago

I mean it's not aspas level of liquidity, but I am sure there will be buyers

posted 1 week ago

is there a public figure somewhere?

posted 1 week ago

Tenz is one of those players where you just go for them if they are available

posted 1 week ago

nice org choice by Riot I guess,
EG - almost dead
C9 - losing sponsorship
100T - has nadeshot having an hour long talk on how much money 100T lost
NRG - buyouts paid by coaches
SeN - needed cash injections
G2 - limited time slot

posted 1 week ago

most of the bundles money isn't a profit no? More like sustaining the cash

posted 1 week ago

probably G2 have the most cash, I guess NRG as well

posted 1 week ago

m80 is NA's only hope

posted 1 week ago

valorant is and always will be a worthy rival to cs, fixed :)

posted 1 week ago

it's a record for cs2, boaster actually featured in the longest broadcasted pro game :D

posted 1 week ago

it has 2 germans ....

posted 1 week ago

35-34, 37 needed for a W

posted 1 week ago

not happening, that shit had like 10 round overtimes where you needed 6 to win, different format

posted 1 week ago

tsm vs galorys = equal match up
fnatic vs m80 = ''both teams can't finish the match
reality: both games shit, deadlock is the way

posted 1 week ago

slaxz, don't go to BIG, please

posted 1 week ago

this game so long I didn't notice Brollan going 0-14 in a parallel game

posted 1 week ago

NA CS is truly peak, fuck those pussy ass 2-0s of tier 2 teams, we going into 7 overtimes

posted 1 week ago

this game is a tier 1.5 matchup, imagine being at VCT americas and just having furia and mibr going at it 30-30 halting the entire gaming day

posted 1 week ago

valorant would benefit from this overtime system of 6 rounds, win 2 rounds in a row is for pussies, win 4 in 6

posted 1 week ago

it was never caused by the game running for so long, afaik medical thing was a reason, but not the time

posted 1 week ago

riot would slowly relocate more time towards lol, valve would relocate ALL of their time and resources on deadlock, both games are winning from this

posted 1 week ago

THEY ENDED EVERY SINGLE HALF EQUAL, 6-6 first half, 6-6 second half, 3-3 every set of overtime, fucking insane :D

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

I don't understand why even hate on the other game, if there is no cs or val the other game will just die as well cuz developers will become lazier

posted 1 week ago

hating on one game and glazing the other in 2024, cringe

posted 1 week ago

left them at 18-18, spent 6 minutes waiting for a game on faceit, found it, played 13-11, came back they are still playing, xd

posted 1 week ago

why do you consider karmine corp a french org but not vitality

posted 1 week ago

DrDisrespect, log off, there are minors here

posted 1 week ago

Steel and Shazam are somehow involved

posted 1 week ago

Check him bank account, motherfucker trollink again

posted 1 week ago

Someone investigate these teams on the matter of matchfixing, bros throwing left and right just because they bet on the total number of rounds being >32.5 on map 3, wake up, matchfixing is real

posted 1 week ago

Fuck the casters too, bros jizzed after a single kill. Albeit I understand them, those techs+75 OT really hits hard

posted 1 week ago

Both teams bet on round total >32.5, I refuse to believe they are actually that shit

posted 1 week ago

I have watched fucking AMKAL vs NiP in CS, came to watch some val cuz I woke up in the middle of thr night and now I see this, I guess universe just wants to torture me

posted 1 week ago

Stoppable Force vs Moveable object

posted 1 week ago

Actually impressive, but imo any Battle Royale is a free for all, it also had to do a lot with other teams and their performance. Whenever I see a team 1 vs team 2 game and TSM are in it, I always expect a choke

posted 1 week ago

Must feel sad for them to just stare at how flukers just almost lose to Brazil

posted 1 week ago

Knew they would lose to m80 so decided to get those crisp clean matchfixing money, probably consulted steel on how to effectively bet

posted 1 week ago

Never seen a TSM tag not choke free games. I swear they pull this shit in every scene

posted 1 week ago

Oxygen literally died for this

posted 1 week ago

I have my copium, Wildcard were good (donk literally had to go god mode), m80 are great, complexity just need to sort their shit out. Imo best option is that CoL just take slump and JBa (or some other tier 2 YOUNG rifler) and then just let other orgs get the next ones up. Or just go for the mauisnake suggestion and take valorant jett pug grinders. Or just take Moist X shopify and Oxygen Esports into CS. Transition will probably be effortless

posted 1 week ago

Fuck complexity for wasting my boy's, elige's 2nd prime. Fucking crazy how they had Lake, Malbs taken and snatched directly from in front of their nose. Complexity need to consider what they are doing if JBA and Slump come to some other org instead of Hallzerk and Grim

posted 1 week ago

Cheering for Brazil just because I am a racist and support all one nation teams, may racism arise

posted 1 week ago

Sadly most esports orgs are working in a minus, reason why sentinels and faze going public with their shares went into an utter fucking collapse. Still, sponsors and bundles are related to how well the team does/how long the team stays in franchising. It is kinda similar to how the Big 6 formed in English Premier League, big dogs have no threat of relegation, while bottomfeeders are at a constant risk of getting relegated into worse financial situations. "Just breaking even" isn't what sponsors want to hear. This whole thing still turns into secure Vs insecure. Franchised teams can offer long term plans, most ascended teams cannot afford this, they need immediate results. And given that academies can be ascended, wouldn't it make sense for the academy to host people who are still in schools, so less than 18, so ineligible?

posted 1 week ago

No artificial diversity = "region based domination" = 16 team champs has 6 american teams, 4 EMEA teams, 3 Chinese, 3 pacfiic (pure example) = region domination= CS2.0

posted 1 week ago

The problem I see with team bundles is that they aren't giving enough, isn't the number still in 6 digits? Like 600k per team or something? You pay for salaries, rent an HQ in Berlin/LA, pay transfer fees, it still maybe a lot more than what the team gets

posted 1 week ago
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