Flag: Ukraine
Registered: August 14, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 7:48 PM
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I will just describe most top teams for you, I would honestly say Sentinels are the closest to G2. The content team.
NAVI - Structured team out of tier 2 players led by the best coach in the game, lost the GOAT player and somehow got better.
Vitality - A chaotic team led by the GOAT contender, zywoo, who can get his 4th top 1 this year, flamez and spinx are a great rifling supporting cast and apex is a chad version of boaster
faze - probably the most experienced and successful core out there. karrigan is the goat IGL imo, rain is a 30 year old demon, ropz is the most prominent lurker, broky is also a bit of shithousery, frozen is the newest addition to the team.
spirit - led by the best young prospect out there, with the support of sh1ro (top 3 player of 2022) and otherwise young team. They are inconsistent due to them relying on donk, but the guy broke the single event rating so he is one of a kind for sure
mouz - baby faze (because most of these guys will be in faze in 3 years time), but in fact baby navi, both structured teams out of unproven players who work due to a nice igl+coach combo
g2 - content team, pack huge firepower with niko (goat rifler), m0nesy (2nd s1mple) and malbs (the best NA prospect), but they are inconsistent due to them overrelying on firepower

posted 2 weeks ago

can confirm, I am a rito developer, you were almost bang on the theory, we also have an agreement with valve where we kill valorant in NA and EMEA to make it a China exclusive game, we gave kangkang a copy of valorant with game deficit, it has no walls.

posted 2 weeks ago

I think so as well, time to grind that education now

posted 2 weeks ago

add to that people who don't wash their hands after eating something greasy as well

posted 2 weeks ago

not me but he ignored our friend and then tried to bullshit us into saying that he didn't see him (they were in the same fucking hallway 2 metres away from each other, with the other guy holding out a hand to greet him.

posted 2 weeks ago

people you know who do not acknowledge you when you spot each other on the street because they are within a group inside which he wants to ''look cooler''

posted 2 weeks ago

True Sight/Point of View (what esl do for their event) is goated peak content

posted 2 weeks ago

also I know that the open slot is reserved for the 12th franchise, but I suggest you use it for FreeAgent List or players who might possibly join

posted 2 weeks ago

maybe derke just doesn't want to stay there.

posted 2 weeks ago

I think its hilarious u kids talking about Julia. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at an immo lobby, hes cracked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

posted 2 weeks ago

navi ceo here, we are getting 4 hobos from the street

posted 2 weeks ago

try vyse, if your win rate dips like crazy, then better hit the aimlab and dm buddy

posted 2 weeks ago

crazy how we got minused because someone cannot except that he is ass

posted 2 weeks ago

what is that about them which makes you think they are cheating

posted 2 weeks ago

do you have a shit win rate on deadlock because you are ass, or is your win rate on the character you main shit because deadlock is ass?

posted 2 weeks ago

I hope s1mple goes to g2 when niko moves to falcons

posted 2 weeks ago

russians just need to ask liquidpedia to go non-representative and navi will be ready to go full cis

posted 2 weeks ago

academy teams and tier 2 orgs compete for the same player pool

posted 2 weeks ago

dutch pronounciation, german streamer, ukrainian-israeli-marocco roster, american game, chinese major. Peak

posted 2 weeks ago

I like how he pronounces Valorant.

posted 2 weeks ago

ohnepixel is dying in 5 minutes from a heart attack, funi moment incoming

posted 2 weeks ago

Come watch the goat valorant content creator, ohnePixel, cheering for his team in Drillas, they are one series win away from getting into the RMR (Ascension stage for the major)

posted 2 weeks ago

problem is that academies might create a situation where either you have a salary in the academy or you play for orgless teams. Basically you have like 10 academy slots per Japan, others are left out to dry.

posted 2 weeks ago

if potter stays you might as well give her full reigns of the roster, have her say on all players in and out. I don't know what she is feeding them, but if she is given the right to choose who she can without major limitations, you have a great project

posted 2 weeks ago

because the slot is for 4 years, correct? so it started in 2023, ends in 2027, academies picking up in 2025. Problem is, if you set up an academy and then get booted from franchising, what happens to the academy? does it get acquired as a package to the new org, or is it disbanded completely?

posted 2 weeks ago

Academies streamline talent pipe. Best example is team spirit in CS and Dota. They have scouts setup around the entire russian speaking scene, they pick out the best talent let them develop and then get rid of their previous players to evolve the team. Now their dota team has 4/5 players from the defacto academy and cs has 3/5. Problem is that it's a long term project and franchising just doesn't allow it

posted 2 weeks ago

Sounds like packet loss to me

posted 2 weeks ago

Holy shit everything looks mega clean.. also pretty sure it's Legend and not Hole

posted 2 weeks ago

Xantares Peek was discovered thanks to high ping

posted 2 weeks ago

I have heard some podcast about CS production where they basically say they rent LanXess in Cologne from Thursday to Monday.
Thursday - setup
Friday - first stage day
Saturday, Sunday
Monday - take down day
Most of the time venue loaners do not want empty seats

posted 2 weeks ago

Isn't one of the days guaranteed to be written off and not used if you have to set up everything, no?

posted 2 weeks ago

Because Premier serves as a safe station for some of these players from academies. Either they go from premier to academy to main tram(upward trajectory) or premier to academy to tier 2 (solid talent with potential, not good at the moment)

posted 2 weeks ago

It makes their whole fucking gambling scene even bigger, more cases= more market items = more transactions= pure profit. Riot have less wiggle room, so that's why I think CS can grow and should grow faster, problem is valve give more of a shit about dota and fucking deadlock

posted 3 weeks ago

I feel like valve have the easiest job in the world, if they have actually done what I suggest, they could kill VCT without even doing anything themselves (or doing barely anything).
1.) launch open circuit - SUCCESS
2.) launch shit like Split 1 year 1 case (ALL SKINS FROM WORKSHOP, NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING) 50% profit to them and skin makers, 50% to the prize pools of tier 1 events in that season (except for the major) I would assume each event would easily get multimillion prizepools
3.) 1 month before a major launch an operation, 50% go to valve, 50% to the prize pool of the major. (Literally maps from the map pool, perhaps a smaller skin collection, some new content but they might as well hire fans of the game who know how to code things)
4.) continue with stickers, make it a 25/75 split in favour of the orgs
5.) Force every TO to take on a region of NA, SA, Africa, Middle East, SEA, East Asia, Oceania to improve the game there
6.) repeat the shit every half a year, resulting in huge profits for everyone involved

posted 3 weeks ago

I still think Pacific has the most wasted/unproven slots imo

posted 3 weeks ago

I know less about Pacific then the other two, my bad G.

posted 3 weeks ago

Tell me, do you think C9 and EG are fielding and scouting the best American talent right now?

posted 3 weeks ago

That stable income source being the developer. Riot and valve are huge companies. Riot makes team bundles 25/75, encourage people to sub to their twitch channels for higher quality, more content and else (might even go griddy and make subs unique for every region), secure a deal with EWC and add valorant there. Valve is even easier, add team bundles to CS, make it 25/75, launch skin collections before every major cycle (half a year), 50% to valve 50% go into the prize pools of the events of those half a year (prize pool goes from 1 mil per event to maybe even 3 mil), make a separate compendium for majors like the International. Also make sticker money a part of the prize pool.
Summary: Both CS and Valorant boast huge prize pools, attract new sponsors, new players, spread to new regions and grow

posted 3 weeks ago

We will see where they land, but if they are shit again, I feel like there are no excuses

posted 3 weeks ago

And the org who overcame being complete shit to actual tier 1 events

posted 3 weeks ago

I will give them one year, I like the fact they are actually trying to change, that's already a minimum

posted 3 weeks ago

It waters down the competition in my opinion, it turns VCT into a clout machine and not actual tier 1 product and it's sad

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't like the trajectory of their roster, it seems like washed pros gathering and recycling their friends. Who would have thought that the guys who pulled this shit in NA CS would go back to their old tricks

posted 3 weeks ago

If T1 manage to put a solid roster together, then I agree they deserve to be there. But for now they are there just for those LoL ties

posted 3 weeks ago

Valid point, but that takes away from a competitive aspect in my opinion

posted 3 weeks ago

That's the fundamental problem you get with Franchising. I will not be surprised if instead of going for actual talents and future stars scummy orgs will go for some shot down pilots again

posted 3 weeks ago

It's hard for any org to do this. There is a reason these seemingly brainless morons are executives or managers in the first place. They know how to "talk" to people and what to say in situations where your job is on the line

posted 3 weeks ago

Exactly the reason I personally think Franchising can't work in esports. Academies might be the way forward, but then that would put insane pressure on the players there, pretty much one split for you to show yourself, if you are good from the get go, you are retained, if you struggle, bye bye tier 1

posted 3 weeks ago

True, but I would argue it was more of potter's doing. Problem with EG is that they literally shot themselves in the foot.

posted 3 weeks ago

So then that makes them a 1 man team? Others were just there?

posted 3 weeks ago
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