Flag: Argentina
Registered: July 14, 2024
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 4:46 PM
Posts: 479
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Says who? The betting sites? Look up any tierlist on twitter or youtube and people had them top 3-4

posted 1 month ago

They were ONE of the favorites, but everyone had Gen.G, Leviatán, and G2 higher fosho (some people even had Heretics higher)

posted 1 month ago

FNC was never the favorite to win champs

And hiro is not a "random turkish", he's been insane for 2 years now

posted 1 month ago

They are NOT shooting well today man

I know that it's not that important at the moment and there's more to the game than just shooting

But these whiffs could really punish them hard on later games

I hope they're doing ok

posted 1 month ago

Not only nzr, but the fact that this is not really a LATAM roster since they have a brazilian (still a latino, but not hispanic) and 2 NA players

LEV's CM is also kind of a dickhead, so a lot of people also don't like LEV bc of that

posted 1 month ago

They lost A LOT of LATAM fans because of this roster (me included)

posted 1 month ago

No FNC glaze or FNC bias but I legit believe that Chronicle is the best nickname in VCT

posted 1 month ago

Yes man, I'd rather have players with a poker face not saying a single word and with no personality

You people are SO boring bro, let other people have fun, it's not hurting anyone

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Even though I had Sentinels winning, I still think that this guy is with no doubt in my mind the most impactful and best duelist in the world


posted 1 month ago

It's more like I don't see Gen.G winning Icebox

I have my doubts with Haven, Gen.G's Haven against Sentines looked really clean

posted 1 month ago

It's over for GEN.G

Zekken is finally locked in

posted 1 month ago

You can def play more duelists than Jett in Haven

posted 1 month ago

Only Icebox is a jett map

posted 1 month ago



posted 1 month ago

We don't know WHEN she made the complaint. What bugs me is that Mazino denies any complaint at all

And especially Riot, has not stated anything (with Sinatraa, they had their own investigation going)

I don't think that this is the end of this, I think there's more coming. I would expect a response from Mazino's ex, because they clearly have different versions

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Original post: https://x.com/Mazinofps/status/1821865905179259232
"I want to express myself about my relationship from 3 years ago. It was a difficult and complicated time for both of us and I regret everything I did wrong and for having created the discomfort I did. We both made mistakes and our actions were not always as supportive or understanding as they should have been between us, obviously I regret it and I learned a lot about everything that happened

I recognize that relationships can be difficult and I take responsibility for not knowing how to act in certain situations. I have been working on improving myself and becoming a better person. I am committed to learning from this experience and to preventing something like this from happening again

Finally, I want to apologize to Nicole for this whole situation that she is also going through, she is a wonderful person and I love her very much

Second post: https://x.com/Mazinofps/status/1821869348295995686?t=bI3ghZ1lDjkQ7y2S8krgOg&s=19
"Regarding the doubts about what happened with my ex-girlfriend,
there were complicated situations in which both of us were a part,
but it did not reach the point of physical abuse as she reflects,
nor have I been notified of any complaint"

posted 1 month ago

Leviatán has given a statement about the whole situation

Original tweet: https://x.com/LeviatanGG/status/1821771390627860546/photo/1

"Given the events that have arisen on social media involving one of our players,
at LEVIATAN we want to communicate that we are aware of the situation
and will take the appropriate measures"

Not much to say, we will have to wait for further details

In case you don't know the context of the situation, you're free to read it here: https://www.vlr.gg/387134

posted 1 month ago


Def better than your average joe team, I don't think that this team would have synergy though, too much... personalities

posted 1 month ago

He was accused of sexually assaulting a girl. There was some drama because someone translated the girl's statement incorrectly and made the situation look far worse than it actually was

posted 1 month ago

KRÜ is NOT beating Fnatic

posted 1 month ago

What bothers me the most is that this will probably affect Mazino's and LEV's mental for next match

I hope that whoever is the victim here, gets justice

posted 1 month ago

unnecessary ratio😭

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

When you donate to a streamer (normally women) to write your name on a board, piece of paper, or body part

posted 1 month ago

I don't really think that adds up much

Cheating on your partner because they don't treat you right or they abuse you is really common (obviously, this doesn't mean that Mazino was
necessarily abusing of his ex-girlfriend)

But like I said, these are just allegations, I think it's better if we wait for a response from Mazino or Leviatán

posted 1 month ago

You're retarded because you're clearly putting that title with malicious intent

posted 1 month ago

There's not Sexual Assault allegations involved. His ex-girlfriend is accusing him or domestic abuse, that's really different

posted 1 month ago

I'm just reposting the original tweet. If you ask any other spanish speaker, they will tell you that this translation is accurate

I'm not taking any stance on this situation until there's further proof

posted 1 month ago

The definition of allegation according to Oxford Languages:

  • a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof

This is most certainly an allegation, she didn't attach any proof to the tweet, and if you trust her, is because you're taking her word

Mazino has not responded yet, maybe they take it to a legal manner

posted 1 month ago

Yes, I speak spanish myself

posted 1 month ago

I'd wait for Mazino's response

posted 1 month ago

Apparently Mazino's ex girlfriend is accusing him of beating her, manipulating her emotionally, and I quote "masturbating to Overwatch porn"

Original thread: https://x.com/suwusss_/status/1821623723486507184

"I didn't want to leave without saying everything I've been keeping to myself for a long time
Mazino abused me psychologically, physically and verbally, as confirmed by a legal report and a psychologist

I always showed that everything was fine when inside it was just fights every day without stopping with punches in the walls,
hitting everything that crossed your path, endless screams and grabs on my arms that left marks on me,
like you did that time just because you didn't want me to see a "zing" that you asked a girl for,
that you were afraid I would show your mom how you left my arms and this was happening in your own home with your whole family there

I made many mistakes and I cannot deny that, especially when I wanted to idealize that the relationship would continue,
thinking that one day you would change your anger attacks that you never wanted to admit

Keep making me look like the "crazy, jealous, or whatever you want to make up about me to try to defend yourself"
and keep watching your VALORANT jerk-off Overwatch porn.

Keep worshipping a pervert and a woman abuser

I feel that it was necessary to express the suffering I experienced with everyone because I have always kept everything to myself and I feel that this is not something that a woman or any person should keep to themselves

Thank you for reading this far"

Right now these are just allegations, there was no proof attached to this thread as of now.

For reference: Syuz is a a GC pro player, and she played in such teams as: Movistar Optix, 9z Team, and Team Cruelty

posted 1 month ago


And it's been good for me atleast in most ranked games. Obviously it's different when they have no idea what they're talking about, but the difference between asc-low immo and radiant is the team coordination and comms mostly, so I think that any plan (as long as it makes sense in paper) it's a good plan in ranked lmao

posted 1 month ago

From best to worst

1. London
t's the safest pick. The teams you get are a flipcoin, the best matches I've had in ranked were in London. You either get the nicest people on earth or you get ragy kids wishing for your mom to get raped (I've literally had said to me today.) Brits tend to not use comms as much as I would expect, and they don't take constructive criticism very well, they get very offended in fact. And if you have a vocal brit IGL in ranked, you will 100% win that game I can assure

2. Paris
People are really judgemental of french players, so that's why I think they're toxic when foreigners appear on their server. When it's only one foreigner and four frenchs, it's usually really chill and the vibes are good, the thing is a different story when you have two to three foreigners on your team. They usually comm (they normally yap a lot about things not related to the game mid match.) The language barrier is not really big, the french players I've seen on this server normally are able to express what they want to do without much effort

3. Instanbul
If I'm honest, I've only played like ten times or so in Instabul, mainly because of ping. If you want to play deathmatch in ranked, I think Istanbul is the best server. I'm aware that they normally comm a lot when there's no language barriers, but when there's a foreigner, you won't hear almost a single comm in the entire game. Not too bad

4. Stockholm
Mid server, people don't usually comm much, they are really individualist even though their firepower is bad. There's not really much toxicity, it's just sad and depressing to play, even when your winning, you feel like it's whatever, because it's not really that competitive if people don't care about playing

5. Frankfurt
Bad server, people tend to be really toxic, really poor mental and momentum dependant. Players on this server will be convinced you are throwing if you get a bad timing or lose a gun fight where you have a disadvantage. No calling, no mid-round calling, comms are really vague and people don't even bother to say something after dying

6. Warsaw
I'm conviced polish players are probably one of the easiest people to tilt on this universe, it doesn't matter if you're winning, it doesn't matter if you commited a small mistake, and it doesn't even matter if it's not your fault, polish players get MAD. I've seen some polish players hit nice bullets, but overall the firepower on that server is pretty mid. Not comfortable or chill to play unless you don't get bothered by tilted/toxic people

7. Madrid
This is by far the worst server in EMEA and I'd dare to say the worst server in the entire world. Some spanish players have brains, but their firepower is sooo dogshit it doesn't make up for it. They take everything personal, they get tilted really easily, and it feels like they ENJOY arguing with people. Most spanish players on this servers feel like they're good at the game when in reality they're dogshit and they don't understand in the slightest what respect and teamwork is. Their ego is so huge that they just try to hide the fact that they're terrible with the excuse of trolling, everytime


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Confiado o no, bienvenido a vlr

posted 1 month ago


Thoughts? Not much of an anime fellow

posted 1 month ago

Algún hispano tenía que enseñar a como hacer un buen bait

posted 1 month ago

I'd recommend doing the title on english like I did, that way it's harder to detect

posted 1 month ago

I'd recommend doing the title on english like I did, that way it's harder to detect

posted 1 month ago

Yes, it's some type of mockery. We will probably get banned for a day for this but It's def worth it

posted 1 month ago

That's why I'm saying it was weird. But nonetheless, I think OpTic was a bit TOO nice. I think that FPX could've been 2nd place and beat LOUD, and Fnatic would've been like 3rd-4th place, above all the APAC teams and maybe beating LOUD aswell

posted 1 month ago

Why not? ZETA and PRX ended 3rd and 4th place, and the EMEAs team were eliminated by APAC

ZETA 2-0 Fnatic, ZETA 2-1 Liquid, PRX 2-0 G2

The only exception to this was with Liquid 2-1 XERXIA (even though the last map was overtime and they almost lost)

posted 1 month ago

Americas is LAN bro

posted 1 month ago

Reykjavik felt like a weird event

G2 was out of form

Fnatic had 2 subs

FPX couldn't go to the event

Liquid didn't deserve to be there in the first place

I don't think that EMEA would've won that event, but they were not the best region, I'd say APAC was

posted 1 month ago

I will be updating this thread with all the different languages

English (Original): https://www.vlr.gg/385778
Spanish: https://www.vlr.gg/385806
Hindi: https://www.vlr.gg/385813
Chinese: https://www.vlr.gg/385838
French: https://www.vlr.gg/385815
Afrikaans: https://www.vlr.gg/385839
Russian: https://www.vlr.gg/385814
Korean: https://www.vlr.gg/385835

They took down most of these, rip

posted 1 month ago
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