Flag: Argentina
Registered: July 14, 2024
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 4:46 PM
Posts: 479
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ding ding ding ding

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

the goat dos9

posted 1 month ago

I just want the old M80 back man...

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

winner: G2
most overrated team: Paper Rex
most underrated team: Sentinels
most overrated player: wo0t
most underrated player: trexx
team that is gonna choke and flop in groups: Heretics
mvp of the event: Sayf/Zekken
player that pops off on an ass team: Primmie

posted 1 month ago

Vitality has been my second favorite EMEA team since the VRL 2022: Finals

It's been amazing especially seeing ceNder grow as a leader and as a player

posted 1 month ago

Nah I love Icy, he had a good step up against Sentinels, but he hasn't been the most impressive duelist for most of his year in G2

posted 2 months ago

That's basically what I said. He doesn't need to shoot good, because his team makes up for it. My entire post is about him being a vibe merchant that keeps the team's mental high. I also said that he has one of the best utility usage in the world, so I think we are on the same page here. Me calling him a vibe merchant is a assumption base on what we can see and listen from the team, but I'm sure that he brings more value to the team than just "vibes"

posted 2 months ago

If you do, elaborate

posted 2 months ago

Of course you don't win games with only shooting good or good vibes. C0m is one of the players with the best utility usage in the world, but only good util will not take you anywhere if you don't shoot (surprise it's a shooter game), I'd probably be a millionare if I had a dollar for everytime C0m shitted himself on a gun fight, but fortunately for him, he has a good team that makes up for his lack of firepower. Firepower is important, a lot of teams base most of their gameplan in getting frags rather than utility (Heretics, Paper Rex, etc)

posted 2 months ago

Fosho, he had a massive glowup from Stage 1 to Stage 2, I don't think he's the best util player in the world (nor Americas) but he's doing his job good enough to facilitate kills to his teammates

posted 2 months ago

I think I get it now, he's a vibe merchant

He might not be the best fragger, or the best support player

But he is LEV's lucky charm, just like Icy to G2 or Zellsis to Sentinels

posted 2 months ago

piña colada

posted 2 months ago


Zander is my wildcard, I don't care what anyone says

posted 2 months ago

vlr user try to not overract after one loss

posted 2 months ago

It's just Pansy, but a lot of the EMEA cast team have a close relationship with the org and/or players

posted 2 months ago

Oxygen, DarkZero, M80, APK, RIDDLE

posted 2 months ago

Heretics and Vitality have a huge problem with time

posted 2 months ago

It would be the same thing all over again, just because you put two good players on a same team that doesn't mean it will work

Jawgemo is a hyper aggressive duelist that needs Subway Surfers gameplay on top of his screen to play, he hypes his team and yells after every round

FNS is a more calculated IGL that needs his quiet and peaceful moments to think, that's why NRG never trashtalks or yells a lot after winning a round

It's not better or worse, they're just two different players with different game philosophies

posted 2 months ago

I would agree if FNS wasn't on the team

Nothing wrong with Fenis, but I can't imagine Jawgemo and FNS on a same team honestly

posted 2 months ago

Wait, when?

posted 2 months ago

They have the capacity to be the best or runner-up team in EMEA, but they ALWAYS throw advantageous rounds. They are so momentum dependant, the moment that they lose 2-3 rounds in a row, their mental gets fucked, so annoying

posted 2 months ago

damn, it still the most comfortable sens I've used anyway

posted 2 months ago

0.45, 800 dpi
litterally just copied alfa's

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago
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