nah nobody ints too much as a initator
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Registered: | January 25, 2023 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 4:18 PM |
Posts: | 5023 |
nah nobody ints too much as a initator
Let something play raze instead of monyet, then you can run forsaken yoru/jett. Monyet is much better on other roles besides raze and something has already proven to be a very good raze player before PRX.
Get Alecks a therapist and sign them as an assistant coach so they sit next to him during the games.
asuna is the best raze player itw and gives some of the best comms ive ever heard. Sen will be champs with him
Everyone talking about fixes for every team, but the real question is what does this mean for cloud 9?
Be honest are we cooked? I thought we were saving strata vs sen and eg but I’m gonna be honest we look like ass. Less Saadhak and Cauanzin are still some of the best mechanical players in the world but the rest of the team especially qck are not holding up. Hopefully we get Pancada to balance out our mid players but until then we have to rely on less Cuaunzin and saadhak to carry.
TLDR cut qck sign Pancada beg Aspas to come back
all im saying is they were known as the team best at counterstrating and revenge matches-and got 13-3 by sen on a map they have almost 20 vods of reaserch for.
Fenis >>>>>>>>Chet
that numbers gonna drop heavily since most of this was envy/optic/nrg and they dropped fenis the only one able to counterstrat
maybe if they fire chet cocktor and trashies and sign fenis and som back
Me. But if were going second place prolly saadhak
See so many of these top 10s being biased so heres mine:
Give midyet plastic surgery and make him look like jinggg, then make him go to military instead of jinggg.
EZ Champs win
Imagine being Skrossi, you are signed to GE with a great igl who can play senti/smokes (Ayran) a phenomenal raze/smokes player (Monyet) one of the best duelists itw rn (Texture) and a couple of decent other players and being so shit that you have to play perma jett all season and somehow make your team the worst in the leauge. AND THEN shit talk yay (best player BY FAR in 2022, who got screwed in 23 and 24) Like please stfu you are not him
Moments so memerable you can qoute word for word.
(Kingg vs xset) "Melsers got the spike its all the way in heaven and hes dropped it! THATS THE SPIKE! the overheat moment the positiong, what a blunder what a whiff! its match point for them-NO WAY YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! HE DIES OF FALL DAMAGE! this is absolutley absurd. Ive never seen anything like that. What am I witnessing what am I watching"
(Rb vs Furia) "Its a 3v3, 3v2 Rb single handedly putting up the hole that drx need, hes up for the ace but its stolen-just as this half was"
(Suygetsu vs PRX) "Suygetsu performing under the pressure, the aim , the reset, ABSOLUTLEY RIDICULOS"
(Enzo vs xset) "enzooo you cant be doing this son, a 1v2 swaps the weaponry around, the players are low, a singlar bullet on either of them, it might be enough it could be enough, the haunt dropped, positoong gained, and now the defuse half, he knows where the oposition is HES STICKING IT WHAT AN INSANE PLAY FROM ENZO"
(Yay vs tgrd japan) "yay, YAYA, YAY!, YAY"
(Loud vs Tl) "Gira aspas"
(Rb vs Optic) "AUUU!!! WHAT!!!! SPRAYDOWN!!!! and the lockdown will not do squat"
i forgot about kingg! honestly would put him up there if i remembered
The one play in a val round that had the most impact-could be the game, the sereis or the scene as a whole.
IMO this one has to be number one: (MIBR knife vs 100t)
This one is a close second: (Alfajer spraydown vs Loud)
And this is my third: (Suygetsu 4k vs PRX)
Honrable mention: (Mistic flash)
let me know if i missed any!
Really good at valorant, well respected by the community, igl. When he retires and goes to full time stream I gaurantee he will grow somehwere close to tariks level, hes hilarous, extremly honest, well connected, loved by the community, and extremly smart.
I just know hell be the next big thing once he retires.
<3 Fenis
this might be the one ngl
imagine the timeline with pancada aspas cuanzin saadhak less, we would have won every tourney
that was my second choice to slap termui and ake him stop playing foxy9
If you could go back in time and tell a val pro/coach about something who would it be and what would you tell them?
For me id travel back to copenhagen and tell prx not to play that fucking breeze comp.
Over: Leaf
Under: Jzz
Over: Nats
Under: Keiko
Over: Something
Under: Jrmy
Unless buzz and mako go on a heater then no. Hopefully the org fires termui and begs rb and zest to come back
I would replace Tuyz with Pancada but other than that id say their perfect
not really oping is a complete necessaity on breeze, no op is an automatic loss in most cases
Bassicly create the best teams possible for NA!
Heres mine:
Sen -Johnqt Tenz Zekken Zellsis Sacy
C9-Dapr Mitch Skuba Verno Reduxx
100T-Oxy Zander Nismo BcJ Leaf
Nrg -Demon1 Ethan Jawgemo C0m Boostio
Eg -bought by optic- Fns Yay Marved Victor Crashies
G2 (stays the same since they won ascencion)
wdym F(let daddy call)N(you guys are trash)S is a huge vibe merchant
We have the top 3 team in the leauge rn
Unfortantley Furia is still ass, maybe if they get nzr theyll go from 10th to 9th but idk
Current teams ranked
i started watching vct at copenhagen and as a result missed sicks era. Was he really that good?
name 10 players better than these 10 ill wait
My top 5
5 King of hell (demon1)
4 El tornado (aspas)
3 Mike Tyson (tenz)
2 Fucking melons (2023 kc)
1 El disable (y0y)