tenz clears. Sen had the oppurtunity of pancada or marved on smokes (the 2 best smokes player in 22) and chose him.
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Registered: | January 25, 2023 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 9:45 AM |
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tenz clears. Sen had the oppurtunity of pancada or marved on smokes (the 2 best smokes player in 22) and chose him.
i always thought he was mid, his jett is good but he cant play anything else. Forsaken even looked better than him on jett at tojyo so idk
I miss you 2022 :(
idk all i know is tenz clears
C9, a vanity led roster, do extremly well in the off season placing second at redbull homegrounds, are expected to do super well, but win 1 game 2-1, then lose and go home, with roster changes being made and removing of players. Is this the c9 curse? Will c9 do every off season well and win one game, lose the rest, go home and make roster changes? Will vanity continue to be cut and then resigned?
well one of them is on sentenels and the other won is a world champ sooooo...yeah zekken
hes not even the best player with baby in his name
Make the best team out of every player that qualed for Madrid!
Flex/Igl: Saadhak (as long as he doesnt make them play phoenix comp every map)
Smokes: Tenz
Sentinel: Less
Coach : Engg
Make NA its own region. Governor, Narrate, Oxy and more show how t2 na players go on to dominate other regions. With NA its own region, we could actually get a NA t2 not just 3-4 NA mid tier t1 teams stuck in t2. I guarentee if M80, OXG, MXS and others played in kickoff they would beat a majority of the teams. The only problem I see with this is SA as they dont have enough good teams to make a region.
im ngl loud 1 to 1 is the better team, but they played the shit phoenix comps which got easily countered by sen
Pos Kickoff
true lmao I was trying so hard not to laugh during one of my classes
A play that was so unbelivlble, so cool, so magnificent, that it had you out of your chair screaming.
My top 5
1) Kinggg a heaven on haven vs xset - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek8ErxPkh0g
context (third map in the seres both maps before being 13-11, lev need this round win to go to OT, and continue to the next round in the elimnation bracket)
2) Aspas insane round in OT vs Optic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFEx5r1xxc4
Context (Grand final map 2 vs Optic in OT whoever won this would probably win the seres)
3) Demon1 takes out two to win split vs Nrg in OT- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExBFrOTlAn8
context (second map, eg had lost first map 11-13, this when eg was still viewed as not that good, having barley made into playoffs, massivley upsetting C9, and needing an OT win to push it to map
4) Alfajer 1v2 vs Loud on icebox- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss36UQefDhU
Context (Im sure everyone knows about this match but watching the comeback live was absolutley insane, especially since this round was when they took the lead)
5) Nobody stunned gets 3 vs Loud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5JSLcsrWWU
Context (EDG at the time were no where close to how people precive them now, they had a super close game vs Navi, and beat a mediocre T1, losing to TL, Loud at the time were looking like the best team ITW, and this round cemented the upset, I vividly remember falling out of my chair when this happend lmao)
Honrable mentions:
Rb spraydown Haven vs optic
Aspas 1v4 on bind vs Optic
Jinggg takes down 4 vs Nrg to stop the plant on Bind
Ardiis 1v3 on ascent vs DRX
S0m Cove incedent vs PRX
Mindfreak 1v4 vs FNC on ascent
Davai 1v3 vs Optic on Haven
Suygetsu 1v4 on Breeze vs PRX
blud had two extra years and still got diffed kkkkkk
because demon1 only showed up vs c9 and c9 are ass, while jawgemo was diffing loud on ascent and g2
im american so yeah makes sense lmao
well hella people say demon1 is the best duelist soooo
With every top controller seemingly washed is Tenz really the best controller player now?
TuyZ-gets diffed hard every time
Mako-hasnt put up any good numbers
Marved-hasnt been the same since 2022
Demon1-got exposed by tenz on omen
Pancada-buddy got dropped for tenz to be on smokes-hasnt had any good performances since 2022
Mindfreak-diffed by tenz
Sscary-buddy couldnt win vs GE
Ange1-buddy throws his life every round and leaves his team with no smokes
Mazino-should be cut for nzr
Bang-buddy hasnt had a decent performance since lcq 22
TOmazy-potential but havent seen enough of him
Boo-same as tomazy
Tenz is the greatest controller itw until proven otherwise
Didnt mention Karon or Sh1n because they might diff tenz at masters ngl
This guy yapping next to vansilli. Buddy is always incorrect about everything, and has the most annoying voice ever.
one that I would gladly lick all over
im iron 3 actually get it right
They litterally play video games for a living all day every day, how tf do the majority of them look like fucking models. Like im not gay but I can recognize that half the pro scene are 8/10 or higher. (Hottest player clearly Fenis)
Bro made fardiis y0y trashies vict0r midved and trahet look like gods, took em to second at berlin (without trahet), won reykavik, got third at copenhagen, second at, istanbul, almost beat loud at lock in, 2nd in americas, annd 4th at tokyo. Look at them now, y0y going triple negative every series, fardiis lost to nobodies in emea, and the rest lost to sen 13-3 on a map they have seen them play over 10 times. Fns made Nrg/optc/envy, without him the rest of his team is ass. S0m gets a pass since he doesnt play but lets not forget if it wasnt for the cove NRG would have made top 3 at tokyo.
Fns is the goat because he carried trash players/coach on his back and made them look like gods.
Loud wont do nearly as well at mastrs madrid then they would like. Eg game showed they can be easily counter strated, so after one or two games on a map they have to go back to defuat comp. Also teams at Madrid have a high chance of beating them:
EDG (beat them with aspas, and played them extremly close at champs with aspas)
Sen (played super close and thats with Loud playing the crazy comp the first time)
PRX (self explanotory)
GenG (beat prx, look super clean and anti strat well)
TH and KC (young guns who have upset best teams itw who are prob better than Loud)
So with all these teams, loud most likely wont make it very far, and will wish to make a roster change. Whos a world champ that is on the bench rn? Pancada.
Pancada to loud, tuyz to duelist, qck to tier 3
How many rosters now have we seen good coachs/chemistry make a team of unkown/decent players into top teams?
KC 24
TH 24
EG 23
C9 23
Loud 22
Loud 23
All these teams had 2-5 new inexprenced players, came out of nowhere to dominate their leauges. All because of good coaching. Without good coaching/chemistry top teams with great players do not reach their full potential.
Fnc 24
Navi 23
Sen 23
100t 23
Dsg 23
Drx 23
Kc 23
Th 23
Koi 23
TL 24
We all know crazyguy has been leaked to be dropped but I have sources confirming the new igl: fns. Fns has applied for dual candian-indian citzenship (like russ) so that he can play in apac. With Fns as igl, yay will be able to be utilized to his full potential and bleed will win apac.
2023 saving strats for 2024
2024 saving strats for 2025
saving strats all 2023 for 2024 lmao
so we blatantly lying now? https://www.vlr.gg/130689/drx-vs-fnatic-valorant-champions-2022-lr2
Best team with each player in their prime
Ex: Tenz would be master reykavik tenz
Duelist: Aspas
Sentinel: Less
Actual one:
Duelist: Yay (2022)
Flex/igl: Saadhak
Initator: Leo (Lock//In 2023)
Smokes Mako (Champs 2022)
Sentinel: Less (Champs 2022/2023)
Zest (initator)
Fns (igl/senti)
Som (flex)
Pancada (smokes)
Scream (duelist)
can hate his igling and tping tho
Hard disagree with Zellsis and Ardiis, love kexznits game play but i think hes been shown to be racist so fair enough. As for the others I dont know much about them
I would say them but I also have too much respect for Oxy
What player/team do you hate or dislike so much that you activley cheer against them.
For me in order:
Team Liquid,
In order
Americas- Eg, Sen, MIBR
EMEA-anyone vs Redgar and TL
APAC-Bleed, Prx, Talon
China-Titan (for my goat Rb), Edg