Flag: Palestine
Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: March 9, 2025 at 8:25 PM
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Ok first of all, I wasnt familar with FPXs game, I knew they were good on Fracture but I didnt remember how good. However I still belive since EG w/demon1 across ALL of 2023. Now lets get the ovbious out of the way, EG did lose fracture to Loud, after they quaed for tokyo. You have to remember at this time demon1 wasnt actually able to go to tokyo and as a result the team had been scrimming with Reformed in his place, since they already qualed. Across tokyo, no team gained more than 9 rounds against them (fnc), across champs every single team but one baned fracture against them without fail despite having a perma ban. In the game it was picked (vs drx) they only lost 5 rounds. EG dominated every single team on fracture, and while FPX did dominate, and were the best team on it in 2022, I feel EG did it for longer, and were significantly more dominant in the fact that every single team was afraid to play them on this map, while FPX still had many teams challenge them on it.

posted 10 months ago

Are the differences between language (not culture) actually that big? ive been taking spanish in school past 9 years and Im around the advnaced level, ive been to many different spanish speaking countries and have been able to comunicate fine, I want to visit portugal in the future and since I know the languages ARE similar, how much the differences actually are. Any feedback is much apreciated! :)

posted 10 months ago

buddy needs to fire his barber jesus

posted 10 months ago

Won mickey mouse tourney (lock in) and tokyo which had no top teams besides rookie EG (nrg was sabatoged by ardiis, prx w/out smthing, termi fucking up drx, loud putting aspas on neon, etc.)

posted 10 months ago

hey bro hows your team doing on icebox rn

posted 10 months ago

in 2022/21 they werent that good as a team, and in 2023 they only played during lock//in so I gave it to Gambit since they were dominat for longer

posted 10 months ago

this is the worst take ive ever seen

posted 10 months ago

If you think im wrong (which I prob will be) on some of them, let me know who youd choose instead!

Ascent: Loud 2022
Haven: Loud 2022
Bind: Optic 2022
Split: FNC 2023
Fracture: EG 2023
Breeze: Loud 2022
Icebox: Gambit 2021
Pearl: PRX 2023
Lotus: FNC 2023 (Despite Loud beating them twice, Loud have lost to almost every other top team on it, DRX, PRX, EG etc. and since EG never faced FNC on Lotus during champs, I put FNC)
Sunset: Sen 2024

Let me know what youd change and why!

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

maybe if he felt some shame he would have stayed

posted 10 months ago

Everyone copying their comps-on both sunset and split. People were already copying their yoru on bind since last year. We really are the trendsetters of the world

posted 10 months ago

why replace him when hes the biggest fraud of all?

posted 10 months ago

I still hear this in my nightmares "Forsaken preforming under the pressure, Suygetsu the aim the rest ABOSULTLEY RIDICULOS"

posted 11 months ago

haha :'''''(

posted 11 months ago

PRX, like many of you, is one of my most favorite teams, known for their crazy plays and moments. Drop the greatest plays theve ever done in your opinion
Heres some of mine in no particular order
Davai 1v3 clutch vs Optic on Haven (2022 Copenhagen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCto_bUMn1s
Benkai 3k vs Optic on Fracture (2022 Copenhagen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta3AHYf_c1I
Forsaken Yoru TP vs FNC on Bind (2022 Copenhagen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga1C02Z-9Mc
Jinggg 4k vs FNC on Bind (2022 Copenhagen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDnbuVxhmYI
Jinggg 2k vs FNC on Ascent (2022 Copenhagen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-czK_za-qO4
Jinggg tbag vs Guild on Ascent (2022 Copenhagen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y62mu3hLenQ
Forsaken breaking his wrist vs G2 on Split (2022 Reykjavik) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc-RplGTgFI
Forsaken ace vs NRG on Bind (2023 Tokyo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtDV5pGddmA
Jinggg 4k vs NRG on Bind (2023 Tokyo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDwVMj30lnY
Cgrs cove clutch vs NRG on Pearl (2023 Tokyo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmDsUf1F328
Mindfreak 1v4 clutch vs FNC on Ascent (2022 Copenhagen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RK-f34rEVI
Jinggg 1hp ace vs Loud on Lotus (2023 Champs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzYNgtMOjJ4
Mindfreak 1v3 vs EG on Pearl (2023 Champs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLoQLPTms3o
Mindfreak 1v4 vs Loud on Sunset (2024 Madrid) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA6IcDR48RQ
I know I missed a ton (espically from 23/24 since I havent rewatched there games as much) so drop your favorites below!

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

have you seen the trickaim mald threads? I hope drx owner reads all our posts about term0 and cuts that fucker

posted 11 months ago

Loud v Optic champs final
EG v PRX champs upper
Loud v FNC lock//in final
EG v NRG playoffs qual for tokyo and champs
EDG v Loud Tokyo lower

posted 11 months ago

its so sad because I love buzz but I want drx to lose because they got rid of my goats rb and zest

posted 11 months ago

almost being the key word, they won both pistols, a bonus, and two lucky sticks on sunset just to lose in OT. They looked better on ascent, but sens ascent has improved massivley since then. Then they looked absolute shit on split. In terms of actual strats, Ascent is the eaisest to make because everyone uses the same comp and strats for every team for the last 3 years, so chet doesnt have to make anything new. They had no counters/strats at all on split, and only got to OT in sunset by luck on pistols and sticking. Loud actually has good strats and meta defining comps. If loud faced nrg they would have beat them easily because chet wouldnt have counterstratted them at all.

posted 11 months ago

that aint a tragedy thats a miracle

posted 11 months ago

that shit aint tragic that is peak cinema watching 100frauds get exposed

posted 11 months ago
  1. tragic because prx threw map 5 with a shitty ass comp
  2. Tragic for optic still
  3. EG were extremly good on pearl and ascent, FNC were mid af on ascent
  4. Fair
  5. Tragic as a huge drx fan because if they won that maybe they wouldve cut term0 instead
posted 11 months ago

EG ban bind and lotus, veto is
FRC (EG win) HAV (FNC win) PEA (EG win) SPL (50/50 EG/FNC win) ASC (EG win)'
EG would have won 3-1 or 3-2 if they won uppers

posted 11 months ago

??? optic lost in ot on map 1 and 3 and easily won map 2. They got super unlucky, im ngl Loud were the better team overall but optic were super close from a 3-0

posted 11 months ago
  1. FPX v PRX (Copenhagen finals) This game was PRX to take, if they didnt troll on breeze and bind they couldve won easily.
  2. Optic v Loud (champs finals) Optic could have won 3-0 if they didnt lose in OT in breeze and ascent, that .1 second round on ascent w/sacy and aspas in halls haunts their nightmares
  3. EG v FNC (Tokyo uppers) .6 Seconds from going into OT and winning the map (they looked much better and had momentum on their side) that would have let them have a 2 map ban and first pick allowing them to go 2-0 up on fracture and pearl, and having a high chance of winning tokyo
  4. NRG v PRX (Tokyo lowers) if it wasnt for that som cove man...fenis would still be competing :(
  5. DRX v FNC (Champs lowers) if they had the crowd their and the hurricane wasnt happening drx wouldve won haven. They could have 2-0 fnc.
posted 11 months ago

depends, for 95% of people its never an issue, you rarely have to cut and when you do its just one day before the meet and nothing serious. Some people though cut alot to make weight and its super unhealthy, but for those people they do it because they themselves want to do it, as the coaches would typically never make you (ovbisouly there are sadistic pieces of shit out there but 99.9% are good people). Bassicly you only get one if you yourself give yourself one out of your own desire to be a lower weight class-which rarely happens as you would probably immedatly lose if you cut too much due to exahstion. Myself the most ive lost in a short ammount of time is 10 pouns over the course of 3 days, but that was because I was sick and it was mostly water weight.

posted 11 months ago

i hate c9 the org +vanity xeppaa immi runi

posted 11 months ago

everyone knows tex is mid, people were saying mazino was one of the best smokes when hes ass

posted 11 months ago

nice april fools joke

posted 11 months ago

ok but loud pride themselves on being resourceful and creating new comps (breach phoenix, harbor viper) thats their thing. Chets thing is antistrating, and he failed spectacularly at it.

posted 11 months ago

i put boaster mainly because he doesnt have any depth to his calling which can be seen on their games vs loud, how they havent changed any comp/strats since the beginning of 22 and how they bombed of kickoff. Cryo is a fraud as he can barely preform on jett and cant play anything else at a high level, boostio is helping but well see

posted 11 months ago

consistent at being ass maybe

posted 11 months ago

for exactly that. People say hes one of the best when he consitently held his team back. Imagine Zellsis on flex last year instead of him. Or leaf on raze. Buddy can only play flash initators and raze and hes mid af on both

posted 11 months ago

buddy couldnt manage to counterstrat split v sentinels, the map theyve played 15 times previously and got 13-3. Without fns hes shit

posted 11 months ago
  1. Asuna
  2. Emil
  3. Redgar
  4. Mazino
  5. Cryo
  6. Chet
  7. Xeppaa
  8. Termi
  9. Bang
  10. Boaster
posted 11 months ago

fenis clears all

posted 11 months ago

there are two types of streams
those who just want to watch the game and enjoy (tarik s0m etc.)
those who want to anaylize (sliggy sgares tmv etc.)
and the best of both world, greatest streamer and player itw (fenis)

posted 11 months ago

nah bro if he actually took it seriously I think he could easily be t1 maybe even top t1,

posted 11 months ago

i think if he won every event for the next 5 years he wouldnt make as much as doing his normal shit this year. Buddy is rich rich

posted 11 months ago

ok maybe not raze but he could easily pull a demon1 where he plays jett and then switches to other agents on different maps

posted 11 months ago

nah hes too good to not be on the main roster of a t1 team

posted 11 months ago

i mean he can play jett/raze really well so just throw him on duelist

posted 11 months ago

Idk if this is just me but I feel like if he actually competed he could be a top t1 duelist.

posted 11 months ago

ill be back for when they make shanghai and get destroyed by every other team there

posted 11 months ago

just because they are the best parts doesnt make them able to be world beaters. Runner will always be the problem when sayf is not on duelisy, and keiko wont be able to stand up to players like derke demon1 something zekken

posted 11 months ago

edited to avoid confusion on who I mean

posted 11 months ago

read the post I said included head coaches

posted 11 months ago

In order to be top contenders for masters/champs wins (includeds head coaches)

C9-5 (everyone but oxy)
100T-3 (bang cryo and asuna)
EG-2 (Apoth and Nature)
G2 (w/net)-3 (Net Vayln Jonahp)
Loud-1 (qck)
Lev-2 (Mazino and Tex)
MIBR-3 (Artzin, Mazin, Frz)
Kru-2 (Heat, Klaus)
Furia (w/nzr)-3 (Khalil Konan Havoc)

TH-1 (Patitek)
Vitality-1 (Runner)
Liquid-3 (Emil Mistic Keiko)
Fut-2 (Qrax Ata)
Gentel Mates-5
Giantx-4 (Everyone but Cloud)
Koi-4 (everyone but sheydos and barbar)

DRX-2 (realistcly only foxy but I fucking hate termi)
T1-1 (carpe)
Bleed-3 (yay retla legija)
TS-3 (jessie borkum ndg)
RRQ-1 (estrella)
Talon-2 (governor lenne)
GE-3 (russ polvi lightning fast)
Zeta-2 (yuryan and hieron)

posted 11 months ago
1 •• 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 •• 99