Flag: Palestine
Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: March 9, 2025 at 4:18 PM
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posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

prx banned it cause they are idiots. same reason they got destoyed on bind because they kept W key the whole map, same reason they chose that stupid ass breeze comp, same reason they played that stupid ass lotus comp.

posted 11 months ago

woops some reason my vlr says i posted this twice. Optic were ass on ascent and fnc were ass in general, nuff said

posted 11 months ago

or if they didnt ban ascent...they were undefeated and actually looked amazing on it

posted 11 months ago

or if they didnt ban ascent...they were undefeated and actually looked amazing on it

posted 11 months ago

oh yeah I was definitley considering suygetsu and tenz

posted 11 months ago

idk if that really changed history tho...even if NRG won that series they would have lost to eg

posted 11 months ago

will reply to this when nrg are proven frauds once more

posted 11 months ago

aspas and c0m will atempt to carry lev but will be brought down by kinggg being a bad igl and mazino and tex being ass players. 100T I would like to believe in because of Boostio and Zikz, but no one on their team can hard carry enough and bang asuna and cryo are all waaayyyy to inconsistent

posted 11 months ago

whos taking their spot? clearly sen and loud take 1 and 2, but the only team I can see maybe upsetting them is EG if potter and dawgemo cook.

posted 11 months ago

They new NRG wasnt gonna make it so they lurked in the shadows, signed a new coach to antistrat and will knock NRG out of Shanghai. Mark my words we will see the NRG Bilibili rematch at Shanghai and BBG will send NRG home.

posted 11 months ago

lowkey sao paulo would be fire, best crowd weve ever had.

posted 11 months ago

shits on him in every aspect of the game.

posted 11 months ago

crashies and victor should not be this high, shyy should not be on the list

posted 11 months ago

...No way I was right

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

I only put teams who people thought were a superteam but werent, wolves clearly are so no need

posted 11 months ago

sorry fixed that
I know but i never miss a chance to rag on 100T, Im still salty that people were so hyped over them in 2023

posted 11 months ago

trophies with fenis: 1
trophies without fenis: 0
case closed

posted 11 months ago

everyone always calls team "superteams" without realizing they only have 1-2 actual goat players

C9 23: only had yay- zellsis and leaf were underrated prospects but not proven, and xeppa and vanity are ass
100T 23: they took a team that lost in groups in playoffs at champs, and added cryo (who cant play any other agent than chamber) and expected to beat fnc. im not even joking remember last year when lock//in happened and everyone thought 100T would beat fnc?
Sen 23: This team WAS a super team before D0pph imploded it by being selfish and making HIS WORLD CHAMPION TEAMATES move to roles they had never played before. Put Pancada (THE WORLDS CHAMPION SMOKES PLAYER) on perma senti, Sacy (THE WORLD CHAMPION INIATOR) on smokes, made Zekken play initator (which he isnt that bad at but cmon look at zekken know), all so his ass could drop 3 kills on kayo, lose his team every series and get pissy on twitter whenever he was called out.
NRG 23: Shouldve been a superteam, but didnt mesh well. S0m was the only question when going into lock//in but he proved himself to be great. The problem lied with roles with ardiis only being able to play chamber (who is ass) and jett (which he is mid at)
TL 23: In no world should this team been considered a superteam with soulcas and emil on the roster, and redgar played the worst of all the top igls
Navi 23: Same as NRG core players from fpx were great, but cned only being able to play jett, and the whole of the rest of the team hating him for some reason and playing the weirdest comps imaginable made them ass

Lev 24: Only have aspas and c0m, kinggg is a good player but ass igl, mazino is ass, and tex is mid af
100T 24: Only have boostio, eeui is mid, cryo bang and asuna are ass
Nrg 24: too early to tell, I still have faith that semen1 will turn up and carry them to third in americas, but after their game vs sen I have lost all faith in chet as a coach, fenis made this man and it showed.

posted 11 months ago

ok but bren (and sideshow) is the most goated caster of all time, he has three of the hypest moments that I can qoute from memory:

"Melsers got the spike its all the way in heaven and hes dropped it! THATS THE SPIKE! the overheat moment the positiong, what a blunder what a whiff! its match point for them-NO WAY YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! HE DIES OF FALL DAMAGE! this is absolutley absurd. Ive never seen anything like that. What am I witnessing what am I watching" (Kinggg v Xset copenhagen haven)

"enzooo you cant be doing this son, a 1v2 swaps the weaponry around, the players are low, a singlar bullet on either of them, it might be enough it could be enough, the haunt dropped, positoong gained, and now the defuse half, he knows where the oposition is HES STICKING IT WHAT AN INSANE PLAY FROM ENZO!! ICE COLD!" (Enzo v Lev Copenhagen Bind)

"AHHHH!!! WHAT!!!! SPRAYDOWN!!!! and the lockdown will not do squat" (Rb v Optic Champs 22 Haven)

posted 11 months ago

ill belive as soon as rb and zest come back

posted 11 months ago

bro plays ads for subs, I wasted my prime on him (since the device I have to use for school blocks adblock).

posted 11 months ago

if drx were still together id say them... now I kinda want edg to make a huge comeback and win

posted 11 months ago

honestly if they want to actualy be title contentders they need major changes
none of these players are even top 50 in americas let alone the world, oxy is the only one who is top tier, which is crazy considering hes only played like 3 games

posted 11 months ago

Forgot me and my goat fenis

posted 11 months ago

buddys been on 100t for forver with at least 15 iterations, and they have never done anything of note. Imo if 100t actually want to win something they need to cut him bang and cryo and bring in actual fraggers.

posted 11 months ago

edit: added dani shroud and rawkus since I forgot them :)

posted 11 months ago
  1. Tenz
  2. Sinatraa
  3. Pancada
  4. Marved
  5. Sacy
  6. Zekken
  7. Sick
  8. Zombs
  9. Johnqt
  10. Dapr
  11. Shahzam
  12. Zellsis
  13. Kanpeki
  14. Shroud
  15. Rawkus
  16. Dani
  17. Dephh

I think this is everyone thats played but idk, let me know any mistakes/hcanges youd make!
Edit: forgot dani shroud and rawkus so added them!

posted 11 months ago

keznit> jawgemo is a wild take

posted 11 months ago

bro tried ot sneak vitality in skull emoji x7. KC I can see but Navi and FNC will be hungry for a win since they missed madrid and they have higher caliber of players, which is why I have more faith in them. TH on the other hand will be running 6 man roster with miniboo coming in and out so I think that will make them worse

posted 11 months ago

buddy isnt even the best duelist on his team, imo if im the coach and sayf tells me he wants to play inatator I laugh in his face because no way are you replacing the best emea duelist from last year with some t2 kid

posted 11 months ago

No china since they are unpredictable

Sen (will end top 2, will struggle a bit early on because of less prep than others but will still easily qual for madrid, can only see them being beat by NRG)
NRG (demon1 will show everyone why he won champs and NRG will easily qual taking the top 2 spot-only compitision is with sen)
Loud (will struggle alot because they are unable to scrim rn and their comps look weak-I have enough faith in Saadhak less and cauanzin that they will make playoffs, but idk about shanghai)
Lev (Aspas and c0m will carry enough to go to playoffs, but they dont have the strats to qual to shanghai)
100T (boostio can cook some upsets but they can easily be upset with inconsistent players like asuna bang and cryo)
EG (massive upset potential, I belive in Potter and Dawgemo to qual for playoffs, and can see a world where they upset to make it to shanghai)
MIBR (upset potntial, but dont have the players to make it farther than playoffs)
Kru (less than MIBR but still upset potential)
G2 (depnding on who they get they could qual for playoffs but dont see a world where they make it to shanghai)
Furia (adding nzr is a great move but they still have konan so they probably can only get 1 or 2 wins- and even that is unlikely)
Clown9 (even with new additions they still have immi and oxy wont be able to carry- winnless team)

FNC (will come back to their prime with new strats, ez 1st place)
Navi (same as Fnc, ez 2nd place)
KC (easily makes playoffs, the new players get better and better, high chance of making shanghai)
Vitality (will get far in playoffs but I dont think theyll qual as their duelist will get no diffed by other teams-if they put sayf on duelist they qual)
TH (will make playoffs, but wont make it far with constantly changing new roster)
M8s (can maybe get 1 win)
TL (0-1 win)
BBl (0-1 win)
FUT (will make playoffs but not shanghai)
Giants (cut their second best player, redgar will throw and cloud will win them one game, 1-2 wins)
Koi (will win games against anyone worse than them (which is only like 2 teams at most))

GenG (will qual without dropping a seres)
PRX (ez qual, will look a lot better with Monyay)
T1 (will qual but has the chance to be upset)
DRX (if they cut buzz I am done with this team-will make playoffs because every other team is shit)
RRQ (high upset potential, but very inconsestent, will most likely make plauoffs)
TS (will make playoffs but wont get far)
GE (0 wins)
DFM (0 wins)
Zeta (will win maybe 1 game)
Talon (has the chance to make playoffs but will lose immedatly)
Bleed (has the chance to be very good but most likely will be mid af)

posted 11 months ago

EG (upset incoming)



2 other random teams cause you can never predict china except for the fact that edg will place first

posted 11 months ago

found the c9 alt account

posted 11 months ago

they wanted to pick up DeyahAlAjarma as their main duelist but he declined for a better offer

posted 11 months ago

Loud Sen Mibr

posted 11 months ago

i forgot about hi :( added him in

posted 11 months ago


  1. Yay
  2. Mako
  3. Suygetsu
  4. Shao
  5. Pancada
  6. Marved
  7. Aspas
  8. Sacy
  9. Crashies
  10. Forsaken


  1. Demon1
  2. Aspas
  3. Jinggg
  4. Alfajer
  5. Less
  6. Jawgemo
  7. Leo
  8. Boostio
  9. Something
  10. Zmjjkk


  1. Zekken
  2. Texture
  3. Less
  4. Meteor
  5. Tenz
  6. Forsaken
  7. Cauanzin
  8. Karon
  9. Johnqt
  10. Narrate

(i didnt do 21 since I didnt watch then) please let me know any changes youd make!

posted 11 months ago

except he had prime nats redgar sheydos deffo derke alfa and leo.

posted 11 months ago

2021 2nd best player on his team, top 5 itw, first at berlin, second at champs
2022: ass
2023: 4th best player on his team, top 15 itw, 1st at Lock//In and Tokyo, 4th at champs
2024: ass
2021: Best Brazillian player, top 20 player itw
2022: Best initator itw, 2nd at reykavik, 1st at champs
2023: got screwed over with d0ph and syk0
2024: best initattor itw, 1st at Madrid, 1st at kickoff
Trophy v Trophy
Masters Belin: Mickey mouse, one group had 3 teams, had a streamer team
Champs 2022: Greatest tourney of all time, every team in there prime (optic, drx, xset, lev, fnc (with that roster), tl)
Lock//In: Mickey mouse, no double elim, FNC had 2 more weeks of more prep than the other half of the bracket
Tokyo: Mickey mouse, every team was ass, prx with cgrs, nrg with ardiis sage wall and s0m cove, drx with foxy9, loud choke etc.
Americas Kickoff: Hardest region, made it out of the region of death, played the most games
Madrid: Played the most games, beat every team they faced, dominated every team (but geng one seres)
Overall Sacy>Chronicle.
Tldr Sacy is the goat and chronicle is a fake held up on mickey mouse trophys

posted 11 months ago

wait till you see boaster running them on every map

posted 11 months ago

W id just change demon1<qck but other than that perfect list

posted 11 months ago

These are players I can see playing clove often and at a high level

  1. Ange1
  2. Tenz
  3. Forsaken
  4. Karon
  5. Monyet
  6. Dawgemo
  7. Redgar
  8. Yay
  9. Saadhak
  10. Kinggg
posted 11 months ago
  1. Less
  2. Saadhak
  3. Sacy
  4. Cuaunzin
  5. Tuyz
  6. Qck
  7. Aspas
  8. Pancada
  9. Peu
  10. Stkj
posted 11 months ago

I am bronze 2 jett player, can play raze and reyna as well. I dont speak portuguese but took spanish in high school and there basicly the same so ill be fine. Loud the balls in your court, I have offers from C9 and 100T already but I want to join a team with players I respect. Im willing to play for 30k a month + free utilities.

posted 11 months ago

edited with reasons

posted 11 months ago
1 •• 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 •• 99