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Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: March 9, 2025 at 9:45 AM
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Im feeling sad about the goat yays fall from grace. What are the best games that hes played that I should rewatch to remind myself of the good old days?

posted about a year ago

The team that throughout its history has had the best players

Aspas (best duelist itw)
Saadhak (Best igl top flex)
Less (best senti itw)
Cauanzin (best intitator itw)
Sacy (top initator)
Pancada (top smokes)
Tuyz (top smokes)
Qck (top duelist)

posted about a year ago


Honrable Mentions
Pancada-was amazing but hasnt played recently
Qck-needs more time in Saadhak system before making top 5

posted about a year ago





posted about a year ago

i agree I would say tuyz and less but for me personally I thought of fns and som first, fns because of how often ive seen him (more than less, but that is changing) and som because of the cove

posted about a year ago

zekken cant op-opping is esential on maps where sacy plays sova

posted about a year ago

Sacys sova is insane which is why its even more insane that he only has 1 win in franchise on sova-however the reason for this does not lie with him, but with the other agents-or in this case agent- that comes with playing sova....Jett.
Sen dont have a good Jett player, weve all seen sideshows video on Tenz and know why he isnt as good as he used to be, and neither is zekken. Zekken is a good player playing jett rather than a good jett player, his riflijng is insane, and since her knives/util isnt hard to learn, he appears to do well...untill he picks up the op. Zekken cant op, I think ive seen him whiff more times than anyone else in the entierty of VCT. When Zekken cant op consistently, something that is a necessity on Jett on maps like breeze and ascent (the only maps where Sacy plays sova) his team cant win. Think back to sacys first win on sova yesterday....Zekken opped good for once, he hit some shots. Every other time Sacys been on Sova he hasnt. Thats the difference maker.

posted about a year ago

i didnt even think of boaster for me it was mako first then mindfreak (for his 1v4 vs fnc boaster)

posted about a year ago

it was just that memerobale

posted about a year ago

was considering but it wasnt the first thing that popped into my head

posted about a year ago

Not the best, but the most well known



Harbor-Som (cove)


posted about a year ago

breaks my heart watching my goat carry his team and not win a single game, fuck drx mans should have gone to any t1 team would make any of them 10x better\

Fuck DRX

posted about a year ago

wdym havent you seen his ranked games on raze? clears jinggg

posted about a year ago

L bait

posted about a year ago

Furia-build strats around the team not just mw
C9-cut wippie for someone decent
100T-cut asuna for someone decent
Kru-honestly keep it the same, more time will help
NRG-sign a good senti player (prefrebly igl) and cut victor
Lev- cut mazino
Eg-they look pretty good-hard to make it better with the orgs status
G2-with the core they have hard to make better without cutting multiple players
Sen-STOP GIVING ZEKKEN THE OP hes so bad at oping just give him the rifle which hes amazing at, and let tenz op if needed
Loud-cut qck sign pancada tuyz duelist
MIBR-honestly keep it the same, more time will help

Fnc-no changes needed
Navi-no changes needed
Fut-beg qw1 to come back
KC-honestly keep it the same, more time will help
TH-look insane
Vitality-put sayf (top 5 duelist itw last year) on duelist-idc if he says no hes too good not to be on it
M8-with the core they have hard to make better without cutting multiple players
BBL-get rid of the whole org
GiantX-beg rhyme to come out of retierment
Koi-honestly keep it the same, more time will help
TL-cut mistic and emil for someone decent

Bleed-PLAY YAY ON CHAMBER/JETT t1 did it and looked great-do what they did
Drx-beg zest and rb to come back
PRX-break jinggg out of the military
Talon-honestly keep it the same, more time will help
TS-honestly keep it the same, more time will help
GE-cut LF and Russ sign good players
GenG-look insane
T1-honestly keep it the same, more time will help
DFM-delete the org
RRQ-honestly keep it the same, more time will help
Zeta-honestly keep it the same, more time will help

posted about a year ago

oh i forgot about him-he is better

posted about a year ago

cut mazino pls hes so bad

posted about a year ago

best player for each agent-100% serious version

Jett-Ange1 (Navi dont play him because hes that good, have to let other teams have a chance)
Raze-TenZ (Sen lets zekken play raze because tenz is better on other roles)
Reyna-Boostio (Did you see him on bind vs fnc?)
Yoru-Ange1 (no explanation needed)
Neon-TenZ (played 1 game on lotus and soldified as greatest itw)
Phoenix-Fenis (ranked demon)

Skye-Mistic (best flashes in the game)
Kayo-Dephh (goat igl)
Gekko- Saadhak (pre buff)
Sova-AverageJonas (has lineups-aim doesnt matter)
Fade-Cgrs (went crazy vs EG on ascent)
Breach-Newzera (melon)

Omen-Redgar (best tps in the game)
Brim-Zombs (no explanation needed)
Astra-Apoth (that one game vs optic on haven)
Viper-Marved (Never uses wall on breeze 500iq)
Harbor-Ten (played 1 game but got unlucky)

Cypher-Ardiis (played 1 game vs xset and creamed on them)
Sage-Ardis (best walls and slows vs nrg)
Killjoy-Ardiis (goat lotus player)
Deadlock-Jawgemo (no explanation needed)
Chamber- Saadhak (goar on bind)

posted about a year ago

not even top 3 in the leuge on senti, not top 10 itw on senti, not top 20 itw in general

posted about a year ago

nah actual na superteam
jawgemo over demon1
boostio over ethan
demon1 over marved
c0m over crashies
ethan over victor
potter over chet

idk but this team might be champions caliber

posted about a year ago

When are people gonna stop hyping this guy up and admit hes actually washed. Brother hasnt been good since 2021, and now isnt even top 3 senti in his region. Probably not even top 10 sentis in the world. Tbh he isnt the problem with liquid (they just have other ass players) but he isnt the solution either

posted about a year ago

What was that?

posted about a year ago

is there a reason or did they break up

posted about a year ago

did i miss something why are doug and balla and pansy and hypoc not together?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Imagine Lev beat 100t, lose to Sen/Loud and lose to Sen/Loud and go 1-2. Then they cut Aspas and Kinggg for 'role issues', pick up 2 unkown tier 2 players. Everyone hates Lev and knows its actually for fincial issues, but theres nothing to be done as the signing period is over and Aspas has to go to tier 2. Lev somehow still do really well in the regular season, but just miss out on both shanghai and champs. Aspas joins a t2 roster and goes for acencion, but he cant capture his same success on a mediocore team and loses every game. Everyone now says hes washed and was carried by his old team and pre nerf jett. During the off season no team wants him except the newly acended Pacific team "Hemorage". Everyone rates the team really low and at the pre off season before 2025 hes just known as a washed jett abuser whos probably not even going to make playoffs in pacific.

Could never happen right?

posted about a year ago

Jett-Aspas (Clears demon1 in opping, their rifilling/util is about the same)

Sova-c0m (cuanzin is interchangable for me)
Breach-ethan (breach, like kayo is hard category to tell because their isnt a clear standout, cuanzin, leo, chronicle, stax are all acceptable answers)
Kayo-Davai (ethan, rb and a ton of others come close, as this agent is very easy to play [I mean tenz is good on it], but davai has the most success diffing ethan in the champs finals)
Skye-Caunzin (Davai/Leo is really close but caunzin diffed both of them in their seriesĀ“)

Harbor- Tuyz


posted about a year ago

Duelist-Aspas/Yay (if were going off of 3 years, yay was top 3 2021, and best 2022-aspas was top 2 2022/2023)
Flex-Victor (Almost every other top flex player wasnt a flex for more than a year or didnt have a good 3 years, victors record as a flex clears the rest over the 3 years)
Initator-Crashies (Same as Vic, most top inats dont have the longevity)
Smokes- Mako (Marved comes close but Mako cleared him in 2023 by a lot)
Sentinel- Less (best sentinel player in 23 and 22, and while he didnt play in 21, no good senti player in 21 were as good in 22/23)
IGL- FNS (2nd at Berlin w/o a coach, 1st at iceland, 3rd at copenhagen, 2nd at champs, 4th at tokyo- Saadhak is a good shout but his 2021 was horrendous, and he fell out without winning a game at both copenhagen and tokyo-which i dont hold against him since fns got grouped in champs 21 and 23)

posted about a year ago

2021 Nats Tenz cNed
2022 Yay-masive gap-mako-shao
2023 Alfajer-Demon1-forsaken

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you cant say anyone over yay for chamber-hes just that good. I went for aspas over demon1 on jett as hes the much better awper. For astra and brim. demon1 has the best raw mechanics, but mako has the best utility

posted about a year ago

i feel like i could go either way, but leos more consistent

posted about a year ago





posted about a year ago

buzz and sen

posted about a year ago

no way bro predicted

posted about a year ago

to join zikz and boostio+create a roster that has a great core and coaching staff+100t is one of the most clouted orgs so they will get more money than they ever will from eg

posted about a year ago

that works too

posted about a year ago

please for the love of god pick up potter and jawg, drop cryo and theyll be top 3 americas

posted about a year ago

found diceys burner acc

posted about a year ago

duelist: demon1
flex: zekken
initator: crashies
smokes: marved
sentinel/igl: fns

posted about a year ago

jinggg would be if he didnt have to leave :(

posted about a year ago

-monyet +jawgemo

posted about a year ago

Yay will make a major comeback
DRX will no longer be the second best team in APAC
PRX/FNC will dominate their regions
NAVI will be above the rest of emea but cant challenge FNC
TL/Loud will place mid-bottom
Sen will keep form untill half way through the year
Lev will win Shanghai
EDG wins champs

Edit: to all of you who found this THIS IS WHY RB IS THE GOAT

posted about a year ago

if your going off of number of roster changes where is the goat RatZam??????

posted about a year ago

buddy dephh is from shitmea

posted about a year ago

imagine almost losing to a team with 2 guys who retired

posted about a year ago

HUGE W zekken mad overrted his raze is actually nice but his jett/op is complete shit

posted about a year ago

12 angry men

posted about a year ago

tenz got at least 1 kill on raze last time he played

posted about a year ago
1 •• 94 95 96 97 98 99