How low can OW go until most players try to transfer over, I don't think Blizzard/Teams will let it happen like what happened to the H1Z1 Pro League
yeah feel like something that might happen is if Valorant takes too long or never takes off in kr even if ig alot of strong players exist through maybe ow transfers or just domestic players that the region itself will develop less than maybe some apac regions. The viewers and just teams/orgs are in apac rn and even japan. I guess you could say kr was stronger than apac for most of the time since Valorant launched just cuz of the teams that were compared but theres so much more competition in apac and even riot seems like they're starting to support apac even more with their decisions. Feeling the saving grace for kr may be if so many ow players join valorant that orgs are kinda forced to find interest and look at the possibilities for good rosters or if korea actually consistently does well internationally and the game starts to find domestic playrate because of Koreas success.
I don’t think the game will take off in Korea or it would have already. Koreans just never been interested in tactical shooters even though Valorant kind of outstretches the term tactical shooter. The reason why Korea was ahead of the rest of Korean teams and Asian teams is because the Two big Korean teams were just straight out CS. One of the teams being vision strikers were MVP PK in CS who were consistently in the top 20.
too overpriced? It's what, $20, maybe $40? After that you have the full game and never have to put up another penny. In Valorant you need to buy agents or bother grinding points to unlock champions and have to pay for skins.
I GUARANTEE you that the average Valorant player has spent sooooooooooooooo much more money than the average Overwatch player, including initial game purchase cost