Is there any chance he gets traded to a pro team before the next major? What team would it be?
No one said flashy, but everything he does is predictable and nothing makes him standout. He isn't that great of an AWPER nor rifler in comparison to other Jett players. So what makes him a T1 pro if he isn't better than other T1 jett's? Why would any T1 org want to pick up someone who's subpar compared to others in the scene?
Let's get perspective people, the reason he was dropped, was because he needs more time, he needs to prove himself, I agree, I definitely agree he won First Strike, but you need to understand, that Dicey has almost always underperformed when his team needs him most, he gets nervous, whiffs all the most imp op shots and sometimes even forgets what has to be commed and what not. I am not saying he is a player to sleep upon, no, he just needs to work on his skills a tad bit, and for that, I feel like a Tier 2 team will be perfect for him, coz that is the place where, you can make mistakes, and learn to adapt to pressure situations.