Flag: International
Registered: April 23, 2021
Last post: March 21, 2022 at 11:56 AM
Posts: 22


posted about 3 years ago

Already in Good shape and have a gf, and portfolios... still many to come...

posted about 3 years ago

RXG looks like made out of Plastic waste, even it's bullets, hate it.

posted about 3 years ago

WAIT, hello, Why does everyone hates ShahZ???? Initially I thought you all were being sarcastic.

posted about 3 years ago

INDIA can't get a slot intelligent non fan boi. Regions get a slot. But maybe SEA should be seperate, like no jp or kr teams should be there in the APAC, that is wrong. Btw I am also from India so stop making us look bad.

posted about 3 years ago

Umm, actually the actual forsaken is now a valorant player by the name SK Rossi and damn does his pop off.

posted about 3 years ago

Which region will NaVi play from?

posted about 3 years ago

Let's get perspective people, the reason he was dropped, was because he needs more time, he needs to prove himself, I agree, I definitely agree he won First Strike, but you need to understand, that Dicey has almost always underperformed when his team needs him most, he gets nervous, whiffs all the most imp op shots and sometimes even forgets what has to be commed and what not. I am not saying he is a player to sleep upon, no, he just needs to work on his skills a tad bit, and for that, I feel like a Tier 2 team will be perfect for him, coz that is the place where, you can make mistakes, and learn to adapt to pressure situations.

posted about 3 years ago

It's sadge how we got a chance, but still YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I am more happy then I would have by having sex. Idc, if they reach up or not, it's a start, it's a path, it's a goal. LET'S GOOO!!!

posted about 3 years ago

Meanwhile the reasons_
They picked him up because he was the only available player that could cope up with the roster and had good aim and had played with the teams before. Well..... they did dominate the scene even without tenz, and that is because they all sync each other well, bringing in tenz has brought undeniable inconsistency and upsets from Tier 2 teams. They extended the loan because Jay's investigation is still going on ( at least in theory). And for the last part, bro we are the community, our opinions matter, and gets reflected indirectly, if we were like, let's just leave it to them, we would not have had any forums nd community and this section on this site.... so well yeah

posted about 3 years ago

I have read that post of her, and the follow back, and not once but twice, as I said, I can explain with reasonable points, but it will take a lot of typing and stuff... So yeah... whatever u say sir.

posted about 3 years ago

Believe me Sir, with all due respect, but u r the one being stupid because no one is talking about the K/D, we ( tho I am not against TenZ or anything) analyze the game wayyy more deep that u even see... ( it's kinda sad we r that nerds) and everyone is wishing SEN Sinatraa instead of SEN TenZ because

  1. This is not his team, he does not know good enough how to make everything in sync and literally, his aggressive rounds is what make them damn inconsistent and usually make most matches go 3 rounds and close as hell...
  2. TenZ being a duelist has placed everyone else out of sync and therefore, either he can not play his main or Shahz has to be a Sova where he is really not that impactful.
  3. His super aggressive plays work mostly in NA coz he is used to play against these players, but in iceLANd, teams will be quick to punish it and can lead to a devastating end to this super team...
    So, just be sure u know what u r talking about :)
posted about 3 years ago

I am just gonna go ahead and say it... Sinatraa is innocent for the most part and MUST come back. Cleo is just constantly trying to defame him. Like I can back this with loads of arguments and stuff but Nah...
P.S. This has nothing to do with the title of the post.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

can anyone tell me the meaning of ZOMBSNATION? I don't use twitter... so

posted about 3 years ago

I like how INDIANS make a very huge part of this community and ironically they are the very only few people to not be even given a chance to compete in the VCT. /SUCKS
Riot NEEDS to put INDIA on the map and fkin soon.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah? So make them practice casting or something... They spoiled that very interesting game for me, to the level that I stopped watching the game before second half of Ascent. We need hyped Casters, who find everything as exciting as we do. One person was busy explaining how the shock dart works while Sick flanked and kill 2 people off them. I actually got no empathy no cap, they screwed the game for me!

posted about 3 years ago

The commentators were soooo damn boring I just could not watch the match!!!!!

posted about 3 years ago

Bro, those long LOS... Jett's playground for oping like Icebox.
Also, I has LOADS of Middle space which is fkin imp for the strats and makes map fun, unlike Split or Bind. I feel like this map is a combination of many good things from many maps. Not to forget, It is always gonna have that sweet ambience.

posted about 3 years ago

By the way, the original FORSAKEN is also playing Valorant Professionally. His new IGN is SkRossi from Global Esports.
As it turns out, he has been grinding all this time and even tho I just can't give him his desired redemption as an Indian fro taking indian esports so many years backwards, he actually has shown some great gameplay and aim lately. They recently won a very big tournament in India.
Who knows what the future holds.

posted about 3 years ago