does anyone not remember word.exe? lmao what if a team from india does that again, but its unlikely bc riot vanguard anti cheat is way better than csgo
I don't think them getting a VCT slot would be that risky. I think there are some really strong players in India who could bring some amazing takes on the game to LAN. If they cheat. Then that person who cheated will be banned, simple as that. If multiple people cheat, just ban them. There's no reason to blame a whole region if certain people are cheating. Like imagine if all of NA was denied their VCT spot if 3 upcoming teams apparently all cheated their way up to masters but then were found out. Also I think Riot Games are probably already working on creating a VCT spot for India because they care about countries and regions who care about their game. Such as turkey and japan. Japan is surprisingly invested in this game which is strange to say the least and Riot is rewarding them with 2 spots in masters berlin. It's sad that turkey don't have a way to qualify in their own region and have to go against the EMEA superhouses but they do care about the scene considering how much resources they put into it. Turkey is a striving scene with probably some of the strongest fanbases(might be even stronger than brazil lmao). But yea I think riot will give India a VCT spot. The question is when?
They probably don't wanna invest in India. They were looking for organizer and found nodwin gaming but on the cost that they have to bear all expenses from prize pool to even team expenditure if they qualify for lan. I don't know if it is same in all regions. Anyway they introduced a VCC for all south asia Conbined
They're doing the same thing with middle east. I don't think it's the best idea but hopefully they integrate them into the normal VCT next year but I think they just couldn't add India and Middle east in the middle of the year because then it would ruin the current system because it's a point system so they'd have to do something special for India. I hope that this is just a procedure because they were late and couldn't integrate them early enough. I think India can make it through the LCQ if they persevere though. Hopefully riot makes the right choice next year.
Thats not the point I was making. Not one person said to not give them a chance. However, the region should be invested in before they have a spot for champions. As far as I'm aware, South Asias teams are particularly weak at the moment and far behind the rest of the world. They need to develop and invest into that region before giving a VCT spot.
I agree but lol Vietnam, Indonesia, Oceania are give chance why not India? Global Esports, Samurai Esports and Velocity Gaming are pretty strong and experienced. SEA don't invite us, dunno why, when they invite Taiwan at 60ms. As soon asa India starts playing SEA it'll get better. Especially Global Esports and SkRossi crash all the competition. SkRossi is prolly best AWPer in Asian region.
TBH the reason Indian valo community grew "alot" was because of the PUBGM players who played Valo during the game ban in India. audience got to realise that there r others games other than pubgm. The PUBGM scene here is huge AF. equally the hate the players/teams get is mostly from the PUBGM audience
bro you're talking like a 12 yrs old kid rn. I understand why you have such a blighted image of Indian esports and you are not really the one to blame. Even if Indian team do pretty well in the scene... they will still be seen as fishy players. These are just the consequences of the history written by that one MF- who single handedly destroyed the entire Indian esports community. It just can't be helped, we understand.
But, the fact that you brought this dead topic back to life clearly shows that you know nothing else about Indian esports except this incident. Indian esports is getting bigger every year with greater no. of orgs, fanbase, invitations and specially the crazy good players.
see, we're not asking you guys to treat Indian teams- Godlike but just show some warm welcome. we were waiting for an invitation like this for so long and finally got a chance. so if you are excited about new teams, we're excited that you guys are excited about new teams and lets get other people excited about new teams- together :)
You know the man power India holds right? It is a lucrative market for any game Or app. Riot is not going to make the mistake as some other popular company did. Just for an instance, Snapchat user decreased in millions and got bad reviewed in play store cuz apparently the CEO said something offensive to Indians.