I move backward on Space, C for secondary, jump on mouse wheel down and crouch with Caps Lock
why would you ever counterstrafe forwards and backwards. pressing opposite movement key to stop quicker in valorant doesn't do anything. you decelerate at the same rate as just letting go of the movement key
anyways. my weird binds:
spacebar - sidearm
alt - primary
right click - jump
ads - thumb
knife - e
inspect `
and i use toggle walk
A tier for functionality. but C tier for like wtf, p for buy menu. I gotta rush to place my wires. my hand can't memorize the keys of a keyboard like a piano, so can't do that quick enough lol. but always like zoom keybinds, because they allow you to switch zoom levels without rescoping. I mean at least you got rid of the ctrl keybind for crouch is good enough imo.
Just switch to ESDF supremacy. Honestly after playing R6. I realized how much better ESDF simply is. idk It doesn't provide too many more keys, but honestly it feels much better to have crouch on z than ctrl. I feel like i scrunch my hand a little. But I think ctrl ruins my hand more, bc ur pinky not supposed to stretch that way.
ESDF keybinds. So uhh a lot of weird stuff.
E - forwards
D - backwards
S - left
F - right
Shift - Walk
Z - Crouch
A - Team VC
Thumb 1 - secondary ability(second in slot)
Thumb 2 - primary ability(rechargeable or the 3rd one in slot)
R - tertiary ability(first in slot
W - Ult
T - reload
MB 1 - fire
MB 2 - scope
MB 3(scroll wheel click) - zoom
extra button right next to scroll wheel - ping
mw down(scroll wheel down) - Primary weapon
mw up - Knife
Q - Secondary
5 - plant bomb or defuse bomb
4 - equip bomb(in case of phx ult and stuff)
G - Interact
V - drop weapon
B - buy menu
Tab - Scoreboard
Y - Map
N - Spray
Sens: 0.8 800
and scope in sens is like 1.5.
I mean I have a whole lot more just weird ass shit. But I think this covers the majority of my keybinds and weird shit.