now we need to see the mongolian demons out there too
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | July 4, 2021 |
Last post: | March 24, 2025 at 6:19 AM |
Posts: | 845 |
now we need to see the mongolian demons out there too
was never worried about boom losing with the curse :)
I believe that invy is a top 10 player in pacific and that if he leaves secret he would get so much better
are you seeing him on sova rn? i feel like his sova is still very good just don't ange1 and pick omen anymore
that guy is the mos lost initiator i have ever seen. You could have all the firepower itw but having zero util impact will never work as a player
-gyen + sseess they were doing so well and looking promising in offseason with that team and gyen is so bad at teamplay that i don't think replacing him sseess with him was the right choice in the first place
the fact that you put those names and apeks the same tier as 2g shows ur bias LMAO
talon isn't even a top 5 team in pacific Please don't comment if you don't watch the region
top heavy? bro pacific is the deepest region. if you want top heavy then americas is right there
I read LOTM and i like it's worldbuilding but i heard SS has multiple character POVs and i think i don't have the mental capacity to follow it if i can only read 1-2 chapters a day
IM SO HAPPY that achillios and paperthin casted this finals. Was such a good cast and to see an APAC team win in their final cast is the cherry on top.
This guy is the ideal duelist. Probably the duelist with the least statpadding, will always entry through hell itself if it gives a 1% better chance of the team winning. Still he is very underrated in terms of duelist because i would take him over someone like zekken in a heartbeat. If he wins kickoff hopefully people will put respect on his name
don't sleep on falcons vega. Xipto core + mary i think is best team itw
better now then at masters/champions imo kickoff don't really have the pedigree
zekken doesn't need better initator this guy farms off tenz's chaos and now without a player of that caliber he shits the bed. Probably the worst superstar in valorant
I swear this guy has walls. brother has the most smoke kills oat, feels like experience but noone comes close to how many smoke kills as him
Trace > TL and Sen but yeah pacific kinda weak right now because all of their teams made roster moves meanwhile other region stick together except emea
Genuinely buy a luck potion, eat a rabbit foot. This team genuinely makes 100T's luck look like it's good
your just stupid simon is by far the best initiator in china stats doesn't mean everything. simon has one of the best util usage that makes him invaluable for edg and replacing him would be a BIG mistake
you talking like the first sen fans weren't bandwagons after Reykjavik. Bandwagons come and go but fans will stay
weird way of saying americas when brenshow isn't on the mic
any coherrent point in disagreeing with my statement? or are you just doing the cope thing as the argument
also RIP twisten
Your in Europe motherfucker my country literally is the width of your continent weym scrims are fine NA and SA had trouble scrimming how do you think korea and sea scrim aren't having trouble as well. I think korea is indeed the best talent pool in asia but saying that these aren't massive problems that fucks sea t2 talents also undermine the point. Two things could be right korea is better and sea is getting fuck by the seoul franchising spot.
brother korean t2 t3 teams can scrim against t1 apac teams meanwhile sea teams would struggle to scrim the t1 apac teams because all of them are in seoul. Talent can only show when given opportunity. Right now the sea talent pool is very underscouted and unproved vs korean t2 talent that kr teams already play scrims against
I recognized they're the more talented region but look at how them playing at seoul versus sea players that got uprooted from their countries. Look at americas the na vs sa players also look so different because it's at LA while brazil before franchising at a single spot was a powerhouse. Feels like home advantage plays a huge part in why certain regions play better in Multi region leagues
is it a suprise that when it's close games the korean team (playing in seoul) wins again the other asian team
bro i know im a rrq fan but TS doesn't even bring hope. you'll know they will always lose against a top 4 team and the roster being that bad also feels doomed
they would've won lotus if not NS hero plays also kush had his worse performance ever and it was that close
also lotus being that close with kush not playing anywhere near his level for that map only and the next map he play to his level again. Just feels like we will never go to an international
I chose this for myself but, heartbreak after heartbreak after heartbreak man. Why do they always give hope but always lose to an OT lose
did lakia just wanted a break? i thought geng management was the one who replaced him
Is he even an upgrade from lakia? feels like his util is worse and the firepower upgrade is not big enough to upset it
I'm not saying korea's not talented but, looking like young players having to uproot they're lives are doing worse than players that are staying at home (korea vs sea or na vs sa)
the problem is there are zero competent awpers in brazil, because a core rifler of kscerato yuurih and skullz are top 10 material
i think so if they keep getting invites, feels like they could get a heretics esque rise but not as drastic
imperial fe is better team than 2ge or koi or zeta in valorant terms. A full women team playing with a coach almost beat a top 10 team itw
give me the worst abyss team or I'll go negative, yeah the lights are too bright for gyen
dfm could atleast compete with ssees but gyen "potential" mess up this season if they play with him
I am hatewatching this game cause i believe ssees is 2x the player of gyen. Gyens on fraudwatch
Rrq starts doing good and then the indonesian always wanna go full indonesian and kick estrella and jemkin (not as often now as he's frying)
1.01, 0.98, and 0.94 rating the last 3 times they face GenG. He was always 2nd or 3rd in acs. He just isn't clutch when the pressure it's at it's highest, but that could be fix mentally because mechanically he can duel with the very best
that and a win against geng for him mentally would put my estrella stock up so high
I've never doubted his abilities and all rrq indonesian fans that wants him gone are stupid. But i do think he crumbles in big pressure moments, hopefully with warbirds with ewok he could play better against the top pacific teams cause individually he is one of the best IGL imo
I genuinely believe rrq always play a better game than geng even last year. But they always got gap by solo plays or unlucky stuff. They also always choke against geng which doesn't help
EVERYTIME geng vs rrq happens, rrq gets to matchpoint and geng pulls some demon vodoo bullshit. I genuinely believe a greater power curse rrq everytime against geng
BASED also his OW glazers that put him in goat convos over a fraudulent mvp. He doesn't sniff top 10 in OW