Japan is in split 2 and we dont even have split 1 announced
can someone chuck us a rope? any attention helps 🙏 please
im gna off myself
if autumn wins a trophy i will personally organize vct oce
he just won Bangkok wdym?
I think he means the Autumn from Australia (the one on FPX)
ill genuinely take you up on this we need anything we can get
Oce gc started before vcl btw LOL
Someone please save OCE. The TO that was in charge of it is non-responsive. I am worried they're just dipping completely.
is there even any talent to make a league
There prolly is, considering they had a few teams in cs… a couple of ex cs players and youngens should be building teams etc
Defunct renegades, greyhound, order etc
Yea minimise goat
there's plenty of talent there's just no funding or org support or opportunities or other countries to scrim with at a reasonable ping
0 talent region
u haven't heard of me then
Nah cause it’s actually ridiculous that some regions are prepping for split 2 and we haven’t even heard when open qualifiers are yet for split 1