Am I going for headshots too often? maybe should switch up aim style to spray more idk
If you are losing multiple 1v1s where you are going for headshots when someone tag them -120 then I would say its a problem, but I honestly think the stat of a HS% shouldnt matter to you much anymore since a kill is a kill at this point and we just want to see the VIctory screen at the end of the game so just do what you need to win even if it means sacrificing the cool looking stat of high HS%
I only peaked immo and currently diamond so idk if you want my opinion but
this doesnt tell us much, a 50% hs isnt bad by any means without context but could be worse depending on what you do. Are you losing aimfights by focusing on hs too much? are you deliberately trying to up your hs % by not spamming when your supposed to? how consistent is your hs %? are there situation where maybe you just are not confident in spraying and have to rely on hs?
headshot % is a gimmicky stat in general that requires gameplay to be relevant