play like gods in their country and then always disappoint and place lowest in internationals. give another cn team the chance man. these guys are the ultimate gatekeepers of cn valorant
stop defending TE bro theres no way TE lets this team with no coordination and a CF player get 11 rounds on pearl. trace is ASS rn, CN has been a one team region since day one. even if u insulted talon, it doesnt change the fact that T1 DRX GENG are competitive, while TE is losing like a dog on stage LMAO. ur just making urself look stupid by attacking his fav team
Because Trace simply copied comps from Bangkok. Double duelist from T1 replacing Sova with Tejo, and G2 Comp on Lotus (Breach/Tejo) that everyone is playing.
CN isn't a one team region the teams are simply getting better and can compete. If we want to go off of your reactive logic than NA is also a one team region right now