aspas 2024
What results?
champions winner
lock in semifinalist
reijavkril semifinalist
3x champ top 3's
2x regional winner
champions winner
tokyo semifinalist
bangkok semifinalist
1 champ top 3
1x regional winner
not to mention jawgemos 2024 where he didnt even make a single event with a new team, and aspas with a new team made champs and shanghai
they definitely matter? Why the hell wouldnt they? By this logic Aspas is currently in the same level of Icy, Dambi, Whzy or any other random duelist that didnt win internationals in the past 3 years. Im sure you dont even agree with yourself because you gotta be really fucking stupid to believe this, like unbelievably so. Also Jawgemo had nowhere near the same level of success Aspas had in the last year so even by your own distorted logic what you are saying makes no sense