He is a racist trying to caricature victims of racism
Flag: | North Korea |
Registered: | February 20, 2025 |
Last post: | March 21, 2025 at 8:28 PM |
Posts: | 60 |
He is a racist trying to caricature victims of racism
Great server, no one needs a toxic idiot who gets 5/20/1 but repeats "don't peek" every round to those with 20/5/10.
Swerl managed to make one of the best teams lose against the worst teams.
With such a career disaster, no great team will ever hire him anymore.
They are miles better without him. Even if they lose, at least they won't lose horribly. They have been testing several duelists but even sentinels and initiators have better kdas than Swerl. Having no duelist is better than having Swerl as a duelist.
Swerl fans will lie "they won't win anymore without him blablabla" about a team that never won anything with him but he is permanently benched and it will never change.
Aspas is the GOAT baiter and will be the sentinel.
No offence but I never watched him. I can trust you or trust the staff and I prefer trusting the staff that's what I meant. Maybe he will be bad but I have great expectations today.
EDG's staff are the ones who recruited ZmjjKK and CHICHOO. They are also the ones who decided to recruit S1Mon just before Champs. So EDG's staff are the GOAT. I trust them.
Regardless of Jieni's level, S1Mon is unfortunately not great enough so a change is the correct decision.
How many times have you repeated that 0/10 bait?
I don't mean to be rude but this manga isn't suitable for people who read slowly.
I recommend Bleach.
Use EQQ at the start of the game
If there are opponents, try to kill them
If you can't kill them, teleport away
If there are no opponents, keep attacking alone
There are too many downvotes, you must respect people's dreams
ZmjjKK... people praise him but he isn't worthy of it, he hasn't performed well yet and must be criticized. He will deserve praise after winning Champs thrice which will occur soon.
1 match/day during weekdays
2 during the weekend
You didn't read my comment properly, I wrote that regional trophies and finals don't matter, not international trophies.
These trophies have less worth than Champs so Derke isn't the best, but he is one of the best.
If Aspas is great then he can apply for better teams. Aspas chose MIBR so he must be blamed.
Aspas is currently overrated. He can prove me wrong, I will wait.
Regional trophies and finals don't matter, otherwise TH would be the best team.
Aspas and jawgemo both won Champs but jawgemo is the more recent champ and ranked better in 2025, so jawgemo is better today.
The day he wins another international trophy and proves he isn't overrated.
Maybe he will win, but he failed at 7 consecutive international tournaments (he doesn't even qualify now).
Results proves that jawgemo is the best AMER duelist today.
doesn't deserve to get replaced by OBONE because he didn't get replaced by him.
He got replaced by CB as a duelist, and CB got replaced by OBONE as a sentinel.
Those who badmouth the organization just want to look down on CN and to see an Australian be the MVP in that region. In spite of being the duelist, he kept getting worse KDAs than his teammates and he even struggled against low-ranked opponents. Controllers, sentinels and initiators are all better at duels than him. Obviously no team needs such a liability.
Nova vs DRX
Ezeir (Controller) : 32/30/17, +2
CB (Sentinel) : 26/30/10, -4
GuanG (Sentinel) : 24/31/7, -7
SWERL (Duelist) : 24/34/6, -10
Nova vs Wolves
GuanG (Sentinel) : 62/40/7, +22
SWERL (Duelist) : 54/39/11, +15
Nova vs EDG
GuanG (Sentinel) : 40/29/4, +11
CB (Initiator, Duelist) : 39/35/12, +4
SWERL (Duelist) : 31/34/6, -3
Nova vs All Gamers
Ezeir (Controller) : 38/20/21, +18
CB (Initiator, Duelist) : 32/21/19, +11
GuanG (Sentinel) : 30/20/10, +10
SWERL (Duelist) : 33/25/10, +8
2-0 EDG
He is a m4 wannabe
Getting 13-0 with your so-called "best map" against a "bad team" usually never happens
But he declares that 26-0 with your "bad map" is normal
XLG is even a favorite to qualify for international competitions and he called them bad
Umm, your post is nonsense. EDG are famous for having gotten 26-0 in Haven last month, they excel at Lotus because it requires less macro, they just won two Pearls and threw a free win against G2, and they won Champs with the Abyss map. Teams ban maps because it's mandatory, not because they are bad with them
Both got defeated by ZmjjKK, Tenz also got defeated, so this title is worthless
AMER can't say they are the "GOATS" anymore, so they are now calling themselves "GOATS PEAKS" instead
Stop it already
TH got eliminated by EDG during Champs, and they can't participate to this year's tournaments, so I understand why you are badmouthing EDG
But EDG are still the GOATS and are amazing
ZmjjKK's mouse was dysfunctional again and he had to replace it again
EDG still won 4v5 and proved they are the GOATS
But it happens again, the trophy should be given to EDG by default
ZmjjKK and Chichoo are Messi and Ronaldo
Derke is Ibrahimovic, a wannabe who is better than average but who has never won the greatest trophies
You also underestimate them, they are the GOATS
I reported racists that posted in this thread
I am glad EDG fans aren't bad like you are
Badmouthing people for no reason is horrible
Racism should be punished with a VCT ban
Muting is normal, most players are toxic
Like, there are several seconds left and I am about to plant the bomb
Somebody shouts "plant the bomb"
Is he blind?
I am chasing an opponent
Somebody says "you can kill him"
He is rich so he doesn't care
ZmjjKK sniping Aspas during Champs (Icebox) after the latter gave up on baiting
Badmouthing strangers for no reason is horrible
Being called a weirdo by somebody that worships cows is a compliment
They are great fans
Can you stop badmouthing them?
After facing EDG, any other team looks weak
I don't want to spend 5 mins watching a video just to reply to a thread
He consistently proves it during streams too, he just uses the OP less often nowadays because it isn't necessarily the best strategy
I mean
He can get a 4k with a guardian
G2, TH and TS all got beaten by EDG so you should stop fighting with each other
Regional tournaments were actually more fun
Except for EDG's match yesterday which was of course the best
2024-06-25 : S1Mon joins EDG
2024-08-25 : S1Mon wins Champs
You said as a joke
Maybe your wording was wrong?
You can joke "I'm going to eat you" if a friendy opponent says he is scared of you
Actually it would work as banter
Imagine Zhilei Zhang saying "I'm going to eat you alive" to Kabayel
If you don't understand affectionate jokes then girls think you are insensitive
I never said I meant it that way so you're revealing your own thoughts, I guess you're just sick since you also think about hannibal lecter