i am music
Show ahh
you lost radiohead by a significant margin sadly
fuck tom pork i am music
i am become music
destroyer of release dates
i am music ♥
hi music im dad
no you are cheeseborger
i am frog
i am goat
no you are precipitation
Fk Playboi carti he is never dropping
he needs to keep it that way
glazing a deadbeat is crazy
benim için miyav küçük kedim
miyavvvvvv i am musicnyaaaa
Hey are you music? Cuz I wanna listen to you all day~
Hey are you Valorant? Cuz I wanna grind you~
sorry that was too much
Nah I mean I fw it
so that's why you two were playing so well today
dynamic duo :3
I can do better!!
Get a room
stop larping ur too lazy to grind valorant
I am music
I am Music
peak unemployment
I am Gay
i was music
I am Liar