99% of his viewers are from that country for sure
w0stj0tt in the big 25
fake flaggers from that country glazing him already 💔💔💔
venezuela? yea
dont dis westjet they are my favorite airline
no one should be watching westjett
i mean , valorant doesnt have any good content creator , so why not
go to the gym, touch grass, watch sgares or sliggy streams if you want to watch valorant.
anything but cringy westjett 😭
Telling people to touch grass whilst being on a Valorant forum is mad work
this got downvoted 😭
westjett is fucking based...you guys say you hate him but never give a specific example
🐶 💔
hes smart. in each video he targets a new dude. bro if tarik actually rises to the bait tho westjett then hes actually what westjett said he is. either way w way to pay rent
westjett on 6 different alts upvoting his own post 🥀
ts is the only reasonable explanation
WestJett gonna turn this post into another 8:01 minutes video to pay his rent 😭
That method got patched, videos have to be either 10 seconds or 30 minutes to farm
hi froggy
westjett might be mentally challenged but the stuff he says are kinda true
Why does every thread I visit , you are hating on someone
why does every thread i visit, you are being a bitch
Lmao okay bro , maybe I am a bitch for being a better person than you
logic out the window 💔
He capitalises on drama and makes money off it, you all just watch the drama for free, he's smarter and talented
The valorant scene is as dry as raisin. This is why people like westjett and averagejonas were able to farm.
I Love WestJett
yeah i can tell
ye for sure for sure was thinking the same thing in the morning