What VLR user would you absolutely pulverise
No one deserves that. We love every user, right guys?
Besides that one guy on leaf thread
Yeah i guess except for him.
wait what ever happened to that guy
probably got pulverised
no one I love everyone here
Can i pulverize this website so i could get my life back?
ur saying this with only 2700 posts...
Get a Grip
Dont remind me please
every single one using that flag...
The Sen flag!
imma list them canada, china, palestine, russia, eu, us
Palestine? Why
personal opinion of their actions on the site
Ok I was worried for a second lol
you almost got it right
palestine, china, argentina, portugal, cuba, north korea
North Korean flags have to be the worst
burger flag talking
burgers rallying to support their countryman 😭🤣🤣🤣💀💀
rahhhhh america i love eating a burger with a shotgun in my hand while driving a truck watching football rahhhh
Why is there even a north korean flag as an option lmao
why Canada? is it because of HenBaby?
That was mean what did I do to you
Not cooking with this one
no one i love everyone!
I would destroy kirya 💦💦💦💦💦💦
Those fucking narrate word users which are named Azzelastia, gamergirl, IaeDLaer, and Eyck
Fair enough
Don't forget dort
u have a point
Never saw them before
The other frog, there can only be one frog on this site
bbl pc0f0c
Funny that you pronounced the name of Champions of 2026 wrong.
almost lost to z00k wrap it up bro
It doesn't matter, they are still the best in this tournament.
Pulverise the racist ones first
no one
What if they like MIBR?
i'm number1 mibr hater not number1 mibr fan killer
anyone who dare insult my glorious king Felipe Basso
Who dat
the fat guy on vitality
It seems a lot of people on Vlr hate fat people
the greatest valorant player to ever live
nyan nyan nyan