Disagree = you harbor some sort of bias that’s perfectly ok.
Rip nrg
mark my words nrg are top 3 also lev prolly gonna collapse
NRG top 3 in ruining careers
the list is nice but Lev 2nd just doesnt seem right, other then that its good
#4 lying this shit is ass
note: they in fact do not
how do you know ?
I have all their bank statuses downloaded. just bad spending habits
perhaps the worst list I have ever seen in my life
revert it and you just found yourself an even worse list, congrats
This list really makes me think truly abhorrent things.
How tf did LEV sneak into 2 💀
mibr not last wrong
G2 Mibr Kru Sen Loud Lev 100t C9 EG Furia Nrg 2g
G2 Sen 100T Mibr Loud Lev Kru Nrg C9 Eg Furia 2g