What are some players you're watching out for? Potential players to join tier 1 next year and who've been performing well so far.
I guess that includes tier 2 Japan considering the amount of Koreans there.
He asked about tier 2 Japan so I gave him my answer. Fine, ignore the 3rd and 4th line.
Don't misunderstand this as me hating on Koreans. I hate all imports. And as far as I'm concerned the last time I ranted was 2 or more weeks ago about Scarz being dogshit ever since that my "rants" are mild af to the point you can't even call that a rant.
He was asking about Korean tier 2 players, including those who are playing in Japan, with potential to join tier 1 to watch out for. Not for players that you think that don't deserve to be in VCJ. Like I mostly don't mind if you hate imports or Koreans or whatever in Japan, but don't bring that to a thread where we aren't even discussing about it.
FearX: Cloy, Banger
T1A: Everyone
Dplus: Felix (covers almost all Initiators), Bangnan redemption arc
SLT: zexy, shu (could be great in a few years)
DRXa: Zynx and maybe yong with omen
SHERPA: wolverine and kanade (he was already solid player since his Dplus days tbh)
Idk who will get picked or if DRX/GENG are going to change their roster but the mentioned players are the ones i would pick. there are more in FearX tho.
If we're talking about who's got the best chance to land on tier 1, gotta talk about where the demand lies is in tier 1 teams. Even if you're doing good in T2, doesn't really matter if the spot's already taken by good, proven players in tier 1. Although there were a few instances where a SEA team tried to get a Korean player (PRX) or has one (RRQ), I think it's still unlikely that a new Korean player will get a spot in one of the SEA teams atm. That leaves us with the Japanese and Korean teams. Looking at the rosters, if the teams were to look out for new players, I think it's going to either be an initiator player or a sentinel player.
So from that perspective, exa, DH, SID, cabeza and Zynx are imo most likely to earn a spot in tier 1 in the near future.
GENGA Xiesta,Ash,.
CGZ KEN (following the same trajectory as HYUNMIN)
I think T1A is built with a lot of experienced players and the team macros are just leading the way, but the individual potential expectations are not that high.
They all have Rank KD of 1.0~1.1.
Potential TOP 3 are Xiesta,ZynX,KEN.
All three have high RANK KDs: 1.2~1.3 for KEN.
Xiesta,ZynX is 1.35.
All three have the same value as HYUNMIN, iZu, and Free1ng.
Xiesta in particular has the highest potential.
But Xiesta is only 14 years old and can't even participate in Tier 2.