Carpe was not holding them back, but Sylvan was a very different player and the one that T1 needed. Sylvan was amazing with util having the most assits the whole tourney, and he was the vibe man as well, lifting t1s spirits along with Stax-Carpe was the sub for a reason he brings a lot to the team but he is more valuble of the stage-also Sylvan is just him he got a 1v5 ffs
As for the match, It was less of G2 making mistakes-tho they did make them-but more of T1 playing very well.
G2 perpared extremly well for this map, countering the sova/iso combos and shutting down this comp-this comp itself was never a top pick for a reason which is why T1 is the only one running it, G2 just picked up on its weakness and capatalized
This is one of G2s worst maps and it showed, they struggled a lot with the single yoru as jaw was getting shit down often, this map was T1 close due to how well G2 still is, but the solo yoru hurt them in the long run
This map is very intresting and where Autumns coaching really shined, he is known as the "Chamber consuer" and it showed in his amazing counters on the attack half where he completly shut down Leaf-the Reyna was used to blind and near sight the op from far war, the fade used their prowlers and other abilties to clear angles where the chamber could have been, the Jett was used to updraft and break the chambers crosshair placement, and the tejo (the best part of this comp) was used to send mollys wherever Chamber tpd (and they were almost always accurate). T1 had a complete read on the attack half, and forced leaf to play passive angles on site. What fucked them up was their defense side-but their comp was never meant to do well on that side-G2 pulled through on the attack taking advanatdge in the gaps in T1s comp and won on the attack side
This map was very close as well, and had T1 making mistakes in the first half and their players having huge rounds in the 2nd-G2 also made mistakes that cost them crucial rounds (most prominetly Meteors viper ace in the pit). T1 just seemed to have a read on G2s attack, and were consitently holding the most info on defence which led to them taking it to OT-G2 similarly shined on defense completely shutting down Buzz to where he was a non factor in the game-they managed to get rid of T1s dive duelist easily which led the rest of the team being in weaker spots each round.
This map, like many of the others was decided by defense side. T1 defense was extermly good, shutting down G2 constantly and taking advatandge of their double duelist comp to hold off angles and reclear spaces easily-with G2 running double senti they had less info around the map and with no Tejo Meteors kj got a lot of value. On G2s defense they managed to bring it back relying on their double senti comp to completely shut down T1s double duelist comp, and the rounds T1 did win were due to mistakes on G2s part or hero plays,