Its like whats the point of them lol they just yell and reveal lurks.
"vile xenophobic fucks"
bros just venting out his anger in vlr. VLR. because he is too much of an insecure little child to solve it on his own.
when T1 had a flank, the crowd also went pretty wild so idk what you are complaining about. Probably sad that Gold2 lost the final eh? EVEN with 2 map veto.
Next time go to the real event, you'll see that it's different than what you saw from online. I attend Masters Bangkok on 28 Feb and 1 March and it's only the people here thinking too much without decent information of how it is inside the venue. You just make thoughts based on incomplete picture of what you think. I would say it's nothing beside hype for Thai people. Real bias we have in Bangkok is in Ascension Bangkok 2023 if you prefers. Master Bangkok is too loud even for me most of the time. Do you know the approximate delay they have in the event, it's observable from the official English stream if you're observant enough. I think everything will be ass when you want it to be. It's not gonna be ass if problem didn't occurs. If you are old enough to have the old experience, you'll clearly see which events is truly bad when people have claims and pictures of what it once was, not just assuming from the stream.
The fuck is the point of a home crowd if people are cheering for everyone. This whole event all teams were getting cheered on for both sides. This was the finals and the PACIFIC representative has the chance to take home a GLOBAL win for PACIFIC. Why the fuck wouldn't the home crowd cheer for their region. They remain respectful, no boos and there was still cheers from the crowd. If anything the crowd reveals work in favour of both sides, when G2 spammed smokes, the crowd noises might've given cues that they tagged someone. This is a LAN event and this happens in every crowd.