Flag: Thailand
Registered: February 16, 2024
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 1:17 AM
Posts: 20

Definitely no bias by me but the system maybe (this works for Bangkok Swiss stage, don't know about Stage 1).

posted 20 hours ago

I think you misinterpret what I said about the skin. Thai trends in 2000s prefers to show off more tanned skins. Thai trends in 2020s get some influence to want to be more white in general. I only speak about information and that's the trend of appearance perception in Thailand and further clarify that it's as you said that we have tanned skin.

I think my first comment is too long and hard to read so I'm sorry for that. For simplification, "yes you're right but we had this trend in Thailand and was proud of tanned skin so no one gonna complain."

posted 3 days ago

The real problem they have is most of the time they didn't talk about both map-win condition and tournament-win condition of each team and just say this team is better and likely gonna win the event. They used stats but VALORANT is a low validity case which mean stats lose a decent amount of its value as most are not exactly replicable. Think of how even if you have two games with the same position, same performance, same action for all players from round 1-10 but round 11 will likely won't repeat. Stats might be good enough predictor for match-ups but against the whole tournament, it will lose a significant value.

For example in this case the tournament-win condition of TL and T1 might be quite similar in the way that they amount of play they have define the better performance at the end. It might be some small thing like this that are more demanding from analyst, especially data analyst to isolate this metrics. I must say however video games variables is quite complex so yes it's something that unless you know the exact conditions, have some availability or mindfulness for certain aspects of data, and have time. You won't know for sure. With all respects to anyone, these guys and us are no experts so we're prone to failures. You can see the condition to become expert from Veritasium, which also applied for being better players if that's enticing for you guys.

posted 3 days ago

I quite agree on the crazy parts, but I'm sure there are more people globally, especially from your countries on woke and anti-woke stuffs, than there are crazy Thai fans. Because Waylay appearance was similar to women trends once in 2000s and 2010s, it's not a trend anymore but as Thais with more than 20 y/o saw this trend quite frequently they won't have as much problem with the design unless they are kids.

And like you said "doesn’t look traditionally Thai" is something even Thai want to venture away from. In Thailand, there's a weak link of some traditions to corruption, which is why people, especially young age, don't want to look traditionally Thai. And most Thai people are growing toward a look that the world perceived us currently, like Lisa or Milli for reference. It's better for us to that the agent is more general look here than to be too Thai like Lifeweaver did in OW2. Don't want to use example that may create conflict so just think of any traditions in your country that you like it to be there, but rather not see it everyday. And that's surely gonna be a problem because it's not Thai. Cultural adaptation is sensitive topic among marketers and business people alike and still I think they did a good enough job at least for the design.

posted 3 days ago

What do you mean?

posted 4 days ago

I thought even G2 players would respect it. I would say for all the factors don't forgot G2 have 2 map ban advantage and T1 having a 6th man roster, so at least T1 also have some disadvantage.
And please it's not a home advantage, they're Korean. With all respect to the player I don't consider them fellow Thai and they also prefer to consider themselves Korean. G2 plays well but at the end of the day the better team win that day. G2 just like once in CSGO need to persevere to win.

posted 4 days ago

I think you said International Finals, when is the last time SEN do that, Madrid? Is that even the same team as this one?
It's still an mostly unsounded argument, at least you should said "making Masters Bangkok" because SEN did and It'll make an argument a bit better. SEN did make International Finals can also mean Sinatraa can make that argument , which considered he's not proven that with them he might also win the trophy, only with possibility, is just a reach. Hence I have to make clear which SEN do you mean? Legacy is the past and you can think of England. I might said too much but I had Philosophy and Logics class in my university year hence my usage of some of those framework which can be too much, if it's too much I'm sorry for that.

The best thing to do is not make a unsounded argument in the first place. And TLN never said anything, it's just a person. If you think the fan of a better team can say unsounded things, I think that's unsounded in itself. Any thing that's unsounded should be treated as unsounded.

posted 4 days ago

Next time go to the real event, you'll see that it's different than what you saw from online. I attend Masters Bangkok on 28 Feb and 1 March and it's only the people here thinking too much without decent information of how it is inside the venue. You just make thoughts based on incomplete picture of what you think. I would say it's nothing beside hype for Thai people. Real bias we have in Bangkok is in Ascension Bangkok 2023 if you prefers. Master Bangkok is too loud even for me most of the time. Do you know the approximate delay they have in the event, it's observable from the official English stream if you're observant enough. I think everything will be ass when you want it to be. It's not gonna be ass if problem didn't occurs. If you are old enough to have the old experience, you'll clearly see which events is truly bad when people have claims and pictures of what it once was, not just assuming from the stream.

posted 4 days ago

You are surely racist to say this. I know you can't read Thai but if you can see all the chat in VALORANT Esports Thailand they hailed G2 and their bundles for how long. I'm also in the event in G2 vs EDG match. It's different than the viewpoint you get from online. The crowd are full of people from different region in my seat zone but still mostly Thai at estimated 65%. The announcement is in Thai and what they show on the screen inside the venue is different than what you see because it's from VALORANT Esports Thailand. The sound and screen inside the venue is delay to preserve some competitive integrity and make overhead for production and if you're observant enough you might be able to notice it online. Most of the crowd regardless of nationality is cheering for a good and enticing gameplay, not a boring gameplay. When EDG plays they just clutch like crazy and the hall is extremely loud. The good play from G2 is sure too many but not very enticing hence the crowd die down, like the G2 Abyss jumping into the void.

And you know who primarily said that G2 is a relatively boring team? I don't need to name right? The crowd cheer so much that I have my in-ear headphone inside the UOB Live venue when someone make a crazy gameplay. We make it loud when Trent make one hell of a shot, and It's mostly a racist act to ignore that one thinking we didn't do enough.

posted 4 days ago

I think I would say that's what has been said here about T1 is unsupported by any means and is just either rage bait or a being without a decent intellectual, but what you said is also unsupported by any means or else you might also said SEN can only make show matches instead of playoffs, which is unsupported considering only a single player (and maybe a former player) is playing there.

posted 4 days ago

I don't think anyone agree. There are no Korean playing in VCT if it's your Korean. I think it's only Republic of Korea that we recognize, and still it's questionable.

posted 5 days ago

I think they aren't as a team yet but individually they are. It's a newly formed team with Carpe because previously we have Sylvan so give them some time. They will be good.

Currently you can see them maintaining their fight against super team like VIT but I'm not too sure if that can mean T1 are good either. I see some questionable round from VIT and sometimes they are being outwitted. I don't know if we can call them super team if this trend continue to persist, so yeah if you think VIT is a good team then I think T1 will be good. But if VIT is just okay then maybe people really thought T1 were good.

posted 1 week ago

Yesterday there was comment about too "cheerful" crowd so I think they level the sound threshold down. In Ascension 2023, this become a problem and there's an argument in Thailand about crowd sound so I think most of the time the production team just lowered crowd sound out when it's not a fight. I'll attend venue the day after tomorrow so I'll just see for myself then.

posted 1 week ago

Not one of the best players currently, but when he was the best, he sure is not overrated because the rating speak for itself. Like it's not even people speaking but the data speaking. Just try to find it. "wasn’t outstanding that much" is not the word I would used when he's top 3 most rated players in most events, get stopped by LOUD through duo of aspas and cauanzin before Champ 23 but that's like peak performance, and keep up top 1-3 performance with very high K/D before leaving.

I would not hype him for the present, but also not disregard him for the past when it can hardly argue from looking at the data. Because then I would have to disregard like 50% of EMEA players or 50% of all Tier 1 players just from rating alone. Think of TH and how would you rate Benjy in that team. it was like that in the last time he played against them.

posted 2 weeks ago

See you in Stage 1, TLN. GG.

posted 3 weeks ago

TLN likely lose. Hate to say it but can't deny.

posted 1 month ago

T1 2-0 TLN easily at this point. Let's just go DRX vs GENG.

posted 1 month ago

TLN might not ended well this match and Kickoff I believe. But at least everyone agree it's not about Thai player as a whole. Just let FrosT have his time and prove it, and we can picked up real Thai squad and real Thai coach if that doesn't work this year.

posted 1 month ago

It's not profitable for MITH. But to be fair they lost $100,000 at least already, which in Thai is a quite large amount for an eSport team. I heard they didn't get any Riot support or any sponsor at all after winning SEN or nearly beat NRG so they decide to disbanded.

As businessmen, I respect their decision. eSport scene in Thailand has been stagnant on most games. Without any significant win, like if TLN didn't go deep into Masters, Champ, or anything else happen, I don't think sponsors will care. While twitter will say they're greedy about profit. I think that's hold more value when the team is making any profit. If they don't make any profit at all, meaning they're at loss, then it's an appropriate decision to not lose more.

posted 1 month ago

Is this post before SEN lost and SOOP ended? Because I wouldn't say TLN did that bad (still bad but not the point), else SEN and NRG were just as bad struggle somewhat against a T2 team, and you know that's not true. It's just franchising suck when these players and teams started to elevate themselves. Accept it that MITH's performance are almost as good as top-team now and Leaf (the coach) guidance is unreal.

posted 2 months ago