Literally wasting oxy's career away on this team. He's going to be able to legally drink before he sees an international stage.
" idgaf about oxy" you are replying to everyone you stupid worm. At least act like Oxy's dick isnt permanently stuck to your throat if you are gonna pretend like you are not parasocial hick. Nobody cares about your love of the game. He just wants to be employed, he is a salary man, not whatever pedestal you have of him in your mind. Get some help buddy
Yes because I can retard, that has no direct correlation to your father figure oxy who you care so dearly about you freak. No one ASKED you to care about my love of the game, retard. Once again, my post has nothing to do with oxy personally but the org retard. Comprehend english. Once again, no everyone is as parasocial as you.
next level projection lmao do you even what that word means?
Here: "involving or relating to a connection between a person and someone they do not know personally"
Who is the one that started talking about Oxy (hint your post), replying to everyone (you), and talking indignantly about him in contract like he is some lost pupply boyfriend that has be rescued (you)? Now, does that sound familiar?
Dude you are either most oblivious soul alive or I am falling for some devious bait
You see how you managed to conjure up a fan fiction about me making a post about an org being shameless which references a person, which is literally just me talking about a person and forging it into some personal connection being made retard? THIS is projection you love him bro I get it. You really care about oxy on a deep and personal level whether positive or negative. Don't relate that to me all I care about is the talent he brings. We aren't the same you're a freak.
Again, why do we always blame C9. They did not put Oxy on gunpoint and force him to sign the contract. He had the pen, an agent and he signed the contract on his own accord. You can't blame C9 for Oxy signing with them. The fact that people are defending him here when 95% of the site hates that org says a lot. So no, C9 isn't ruining Oxy's career. If anything, Oxy is ruining Oxy's career. You reap what you sow.
And it's not like he was a child who didn't know what he was signing into. Everyone knows how bad C9 is run, how shit goes around there. And he still signed with them. If something good happens, good job buddy, you passed the mud. If he ruins his career, that's on him too. There is a reason eSports players usually sign shorter contracts. He chased the money and that's nothing bad. But now he has to face the music.