21 days remaining till end of act and apac leaderboard not even full LMFAO only 12k people on leaderboard
this game dead asf
how many would you expect normally?
1 million
idk man back in 2022 that shit would fill in like 3 days max
IF they would stop remaking every damn game maybe there would be more honestly LOL
There's a streamer that shared that everyone is remaking the games because there are hackers on either side of the games, making the game unplayable.
APAC is more familiar with mobile game than PC
not my fault every game i play its a 20min queue of remaking and dodging + the occasional chance i queue into a hacker
Cause you know what? APAC ranked are full of FUCKING CHINESE cheaters lmfaoooo. How can we play?
that's the point
You guys doing better than NA, EU We don't even have Radiant filled up NA < 300
thats so much more than NA.. imm1 is top 1k lol
Wait really? So thats why high elo NA is fulled with noobs and nobodies. I thought valorant is super popular there lmfao what happened
Game is definitely not dying. But there needs to be heftier punishments for the one who is causing the remake, basically abusing the system. If I sit through 4 remakes I just lose all will to play.
Valorant is on the downfall I keep tracking and it's shown. both on game side and esports side sadly
you sound like the retards that have been saying league is dying for the last 10 years
valorant is dying across the world
lot of hackers in game currently. says by my immortal friend. also saw lot of tweets from pros about it