21 days remaining till end of act and apac leaderboard not even full LMFAO only 12k people on leaderboard
this game dead asf
Aayan [#2]how many would you expect normally?
idk man back in 2022 that shit would fill in like 3 days max
HongEunchae [#4]idk man back in 2022 that shit would fill in like 3 days max
IF they would stop remaking every damn game maybe there would be more honestly LOL
OrangEzZ [#9]Cause you know what? APAC ranked are full of FUCKING CHINESE cheaters lmfaoooo. How can we play?
that's the point
lotusily [#12]thats so much more than NA.. imm1 is top 1k lol
Wait really? So thats why high elo NA is fulled with noobs and nobodies. I thought valorant is super popular there lmfao what happened
HIMNOTHER [#15]Valorant is on the downfall I keep tracking and it's shown. both on game side and esports side sadly
you sound like the retards that have been saying league is dying for the last 10 years