bangkok is a mickey mouse tourney and whoever wins it will be considered as mickey mouse champions cuz 8 teams = shit format = mickey mouse tournament
this is true unless heretics win
they lost to lulquid lmao
case in point, it's mickey mouse
this is true unless xset win
this is true unless mibr win
this is true unless faze win
:( i didnt like it tf u want me to do
jk ily
ily2 <3
This is true unless EDG wins
bump, its mickey mouse
Ofc you called it as a mickey mouse tourney cuz you don't have any turkish player in that tournament right ?
this thread is 1 month old.
Damnnn you're right lmfaooo
Idk looks pretty stacked to me
We're gonna have way better games on average than Madrid though, I'll tell you that
still mickey mouse
Every match is mickey mouse if you think about it.
but if emea wins, is it still mickey mouse? 🤔🤔
you better keep that same energy afterwards
oh so ur saying emea will win bangkok? thanks for your support man
I support all regions!
send ur ass
shut up?
nahhh u made a thread holding people accountable how the tables have turned n1cf
i did not make that thread
So you want teams like Fut, Talon, DRG, and Kru play Master? They are trash
might be the most retarded take ive ever seen in a while
more teams = more matches = more entertaining
When does thw tournamwnt start tho
Big funi
ur fucking retarded to ask this bru just check vlr
Games werent on vlr when i asked dumb fuck
this is true unless mudglue wins
bump, i still stand by my word
yep, it is mickey mouse