bro is an NIS agent fr
his task job? to ruin SEA talents chance of winning championship
you can tell how uncomfortable and under pressure he is when he plays the team expects alot from him to create space for primmie get 1 and die they practically bait him for primmie to get the kill. unlless, fr0d has all the pieces to make a top team but the way he structures things needs changes, its the same thing with demon1 on lev, hes under alot of pressure from everything going on in his life and everyone clowning on him when lev are using him like shit, he makes mistakes too but the team is at fault, there both still good players, just not used in the right way, demon1 doesnt get setup to be the star anymore like he should and you can tell that he too has lost confidence but good to see him bounce back on the game v mibr