Good? Bad? What do you guys think? Personally, looks childish and boring af to me.
Playing the shit out of it atm, but the game is underwhelming at best
Balance is way off, map design (gameplay wise) is boring and the game has fundamental design issues rn that lead it to horrible metas like ow (tripple support atm).
When comparing the peaks of the "recent" 4 big hero shooters (OW, TF2, Paladins and now Marvel) it is by far the worst. They still have a lot of time to figure out where they wanna take the game though, so its fine.
Rn its a fun game because its still fresh.
If you want to play a Hero shooter than its the best we have atm, and im 99% sure youll enjoy your time initially.
ye am talking more high level; game was unreal at low ranks (helped by not knowing anything about it yet tbf)
And when comparing games its the best nowerdays for sure, hence I compared heights
paladins is a dead game without mm, ow is the definition of stale and TF2 is older than some users on this site
but... unless youre playing wolverine the only truly broken characters atm are the supports (and ig moonknight in the correct comp due to his ult being bugged - accidental savior of the meta right there)
and idk about you but I find the support loop extremely underwhelming compared to other titles - just spam you 0cd heals, dont die and youre doing your job (Ive been in Luna jail for like 30 games now xD)
So at least for me the "broken = fun" has been heavily overshadowed by boring characters being the broken ones atm
I played 60 hours and it became really boring, balance wise the game is garbage and in terms of game design (how fun abilities feel to use and play against) it's painful
it's also speed running early ow like people refusing to play tank because they're boring as fuck and get spam cc'ed
ow2 in its current state is a far better game than rivals and people only think otherwise because rivals is new
celestial rn have a bit over 100hours, theres are some major balancing issues that you realise when you get higher into the ranks
maps are pretty fresh theres only 1 that i would say is downright horrendous
give it a try its really fun and I've yet to get bored of it although i could never imagine playing it solo and have only played it with friends
I only play with friends and only play quick match so take everything I say with a grain of salt
It's pretty fun, if you don't take it 100% seriously/competitively and just mess around with friends it's really enjoyable. Some heroes suck some are over powered but that's kind of what I like about it. The maps are meh but they look stunning. Actually thr game jn general looks stunning. Give it a try with friends and see how you like it
its pretty boring imo, its so unbelievably repetitive unless you have a sense for these games and can get to the top ranks super quick. Even then tho while there definitely is strategy similar to val in this game it just feels so repetitive, idk why.
There are 2 gamemodes and very few maps, playing different characters helps with the monotony but i couldnt get past 40 hours just like nearly everyone else on my friends list
Good, but honestly haven't played in a while. Its one of those games where its pretty fun here and there, but I couldn't really see myself caring about the game too much or grinding it. Overall gameplay pretty satisfying.
IMO the ranked mode is pretty dogshit. Climbing isn't hard, but annoying how everyone starts at bronze. I have only managed to get to gold before again being resetted to bronze while MVP/SVP'd like 80% of the games while playing tank and sometimes dps. Its so frustrating. And all of that because I just don't play it much. And there's been quite many afkers, leavers and overall very clueless individuals. I wish it had placement type system so only the worst would have to climb from bronze.