"drop fns"
"+rossy" "+shahzam" even "+bonkar"
reactionary slow ass vlr users cant see the problems here so imma do it myself
NRG's problems come from their confidence and their consistency. only mada is consistently confident and good, and he will undoubtedly be a trophy winner one day.
but replacing FNS with any other igl mid-season is a top 3 retarded org moves up there with NAVI -doombros
the truth is that verno isn't shooting like he was in the off-season, which I think is from his overconfidence (check the NRG video). he also doesn't talk much in-server, so he isn't really being a great contributor. verno needs to lock the fuck in like he did in tier 2 and be a consistent demon like mada, this will make NRG pretty good. verno was what NRG relied on to be their win factor, but while mada has gotten better, verno has gotten worse.
the remaining problems is just their comps (easily fixed in the next month)
as for fns, his aim isnt even bad, just his aim discipline; honestly if he just becomes calmer through meditation or something he will be good. this will also help his mental (y'all saw that tilted fist bump on map 2)
tl;dr while fns looked bad today he isn't terrible and shouldn't be dropped, verno needs to be more consistent because thats what he was signed for, and NRG needs to improve their comps. then they will be the top team that we expected.