As a former member of the divorced parent valorant thrower community ask me anything I will answer
How to throw? (According to my teammates)
Be incapable of reading their minds (They are giving cons at their discord call)
Not using smoke (You used when u guys was supposed to entry, but the Duelist was waiting to bait someone and didn't entryed)
Being bottom frag as a smoker (The top fragger has 4 kills more than you).
Being the last to die (You are a Astrea)
I met one of your crew today on abyss.. not fun. He literally took spike and satcheled into enemy territory, team naded and ulted…
Why he was being a saddo?
he locked last and instead of picking any smoke or controller agent he went raze to form a perfect squad of Raze, reyna, chamber, deadlock n breach… then he started bit*hing from the agent select screen
this seems like an example of someone who isnt a regualr troller but somoen pissed him off either with instalocks or someone took his agent or someone made him mad the previous game. we in the community dont claim those people because its impulsive an destrcuctive behavior. it promotes bad attitudes and we troll only for our own fun
i have a life, i have friends, i just turned 16, take my driving test in around 20 hours, have a car, still in school, did homework a bit ago, and i havent played valorant in 7 days. get with the times unc your insecure and projecting your on vlr with 3000+ post and been on this site for 3 years lock in buddy time doesnt stop
Hello fellow thrower, I soft throw/troll because I get so bored of this game.
If it’s a very slow game with the enemy team hiding and my teammates being bad, then I’ll just force buy every round to run it down.
It’s funny because I like to see if one of my teammates will get mad and call me out. If no one says anything, then I will continue trolling/force buying.
If I have a team that really wants to win the game, then I will not troll as hard. I respect players that are passionate.
If I get a team of no commers, then I’m definitely trolling 😂
Btw I do this on my Alt account that is low Immortal/high Ascendant elo. I can troll these games and still maintain the MMR.