is cloud washed?
no, but I feel like his mechanical talents are kinda being wasted on the IGL role
no. but as an igl yes
They should get another IGL, idk if cloud is cut out for it
no i think tomaszy and runner are gigafrauds get them out and a t2 igl + actual smokes player and gx look way better immediately
he is performing fine
cloud9 is washed
No. Suffering from the constant EMEA problem of forcing random player to IGL instead of picking up an IGL from T2 or importing.
It has literally never working outside of maybe EDG, and we continue to do it.
who igls for edg now?
Nobody last I heard
What if I'm not straight
yes Xeppaa is ass V1C is ass Net is ass Oxy got diffed my mada Mitch is chill
youre bright