TenZ retired, two of the best rookies put into a single boring ass superteam, Demon1 washed, C9 still bums, 100T still frauds, NRG still gonna choke, LEV lost aspas so now Kinggg has to bench press, aspas went to FUCKING MIBR to waste his year, FURIA is still shit, new 2G team is shit, SEN fans still obnoxiously cringe for 4 years straight, LOUD lost Less and Sadhaak, Zellsis still in tier 1 shaking his ass for the 13 year olds, EG bland and boring as fuck after losing Jawg, yay is just mediocre, G2 still bland somehow, KRU will be choking when it matters most
It’s a nightmare. 2025 will be the end of VCT NA viewership