Hey everyone!!!!
I’ve put together another scraping project that’s essentially every VLR post in order (hopefully) in one place...
If you’re familiar with everyuuid.com, this was inspired by that concept. Unlike its creator (who is incredibly talented), I couldn’t get the tab to render all 4 million posts at once, so it is paginated unfortunately :/
At its core, this is more of a collection than anything else, but it’s pretty cool to look at.
A quick heads-up: the site may run a bit slow if there’s heavy traffic. I opted for a more frontend-heavy approach to avoid hosting a backend, which helped keep costs down.
Feel free to check it out here: https://www.everyvlrggpost.com/.
(And if you’re curious, the dataset and scraping code are publicly available and are linked on the website)
(Also it's not really really built for mobile, but it'll work)