most talented teenager in any sport ever no doubt, future goat
to put in valorant terms hes like asuna when he first brust in to the scene at 16
I mean it does? For at his time if hes playing against the best and spinning circles around them then then he was just levels above everyone. And the game evolves argument doesnt make sense since you have to compare players to their era not to the modern day since any modern day player would be better than any player in the 60s.
Sure the game evolves and you can't compare players in different eras. But it also isn't fair to current players
By definition a game less evolved it's easier to dominate because there are more things you can be better at than everyone else. If everyone is a 5 you can be an 8 and be incredibly dominant, but if everyone is a 9 you can be a 10 but there aren't many more things to improve at.
Also players now dedicate 99% of their time to the sport, I don't think it's fair to discredit the old guys but it also isn't fair to assume they were better because they came first
In Track and Field for example the record is held by whoever jumped further, regardless of if he had better trainers or shoes. And that's the way it should be imo
Youre comparing oranges and apples.
In Track and Field records are easier to compare because Track and Field is all about numbers.
In a sport like football its harder to measure. For example its easy to say Usain Bolt is the fastest man but its harder
to say whos the best football player.
By definition a game that evolves less over time isnt necessary all easy to dominate because if nothing changes then when youre at the top and there isnt anything left to learn everyone will catch up. By definition neither is a game that constantly evolves. Its just all about who has the ability to adapt the best its only easier or harder for certain people.
I never said the old guys were better than the players now. If anything I said the opposite. Pele with the training he had would never survive in todays game and thats why when you compare players from different eras you cant bring up who they played against as an argument. Thats why you compare how dominant they were at their time to the players of their time since you level the playing field by making sure you arent comparing people who have the modern sports science they do today to people who dont.
Thats why you compare how dominant they were at their time to the players of their time since you level the playing field by making sure you arent comparing people who have the modern sports science they do today to people who don't.
Here is the disagreement, you're telling me they can't be compared because they had different trainings and I'm telling you they can't be compared because they didn't play the same people.
Let me put it differently, by your logic, Vision Strikers is the best team of all time because they were most dominant at their time. Regardless of them only playing Koreans and how much the game evolved since then