this shi is so buns
pr0m00 hwere?
Talong fan
ready to get 3-0d tmrw ?
Still better than not qualifying lmao talon shit eater
Talon fans like you are probs doing nothing with your life while waiting for your shit team to make it to an international tournament (never)
went to freshly previous inter event by beating shitcret btw
I dont give a shit about team shitret lil bro they are always shit unlike you who keep meatriding them and they still end up being dogshit LMAO keep humping the dead horse retarded TAL0N dickrider
how sad lmao 😂 bro gave up on his hometown team
Better than meatriding your hometown team when they are not even qualifying for any internationals LMAO fucking disappointment
Thai will never do anything in val. Stop running yo mouth, poor talon fans cuz of people like you