The Salvos are going to be game breaking and need to be nerfed before the update goes live. Go ahead and look at all the agents in the game and see what their signature ability does. How many are damage dealing, kill potential abilities?
Answer is 2: the 1st is Raze, who requires 2 kills to recharge the ability and has to have some level of skill with the character to throw the grenade optimally to get kills on full HP targets.
2nd is this new Tejo, who gets 2 charges refreshed every 40 seconds, has a mini map to perfectly target the locations he wants, has consistent damage AOE, and can be miles from that location...
I mean this agent is cool af, but wtf is RIOT cooking? Are we not trying to get out of the post plant spam meta? Congrats you have just made it talentless on a 40 second cooldown.