Tejo Signature Ability

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The Salvos are going to be game breaking and need to be nerfed before the update goes live. Go ahead and look at all the agents in the game and see what their signature ability does. How many are damage dealing, kill potential abilities?

Answer is 2: the 1st is Raze, who requires 2 kills to recharge the ability and has to have some level of skill with the character to throw the grenade optimally to get kills on full HP targets.

2nd is this new Tejo, who gets 2 charges refreshed every 40 seconds, has a mini map to perfectly target the locations he wants, has consistent damage AOE, and can be miles from that location...

I mean this agent is cool af, but wtf is RIOT cooking? Are we not trying to get out of the post plant spam meta? Congrats you have just made it talentless on a 40 second cooldown.


It's very easy to dodge tho. There is certain places where it's hard to dodge, but in 95% of scenarios it's easy to move and not get hit.

Vaaero [#2]

It's very easy to dodge tho. There is certain places where it's hard to dodge, but in 95% of scenarios it's easy to move and not get hit.

It literally covers all of hookah in bind


A huge nerf will happen after everyone is hyped and excited during Kickoffs, and when people get bored of it in ranked.

composthe [#3]

It literally covers all of hookah in bind

Why are you playing in hookah anyway the place is dogshit to get out of just smoke the choke and wait for jump and it's awful to be in unless you are planning to get 1 with a shotgun

Galactc [#5]

Why are you playing in hookah anyway the place is dogshit to get out of just smoke the choke and wait for jump and it's awful to be in unless you are planning to get 1 with a shotgun

so on attack if the enemies have a tejo you should be forced into garden every time you want to hit b? what are you trying to say hookah is a pivotal part of the map

Shadow_Monarch [#4]

A huge nerf will happen after everyone is hyped and excited during Kickoffs, and when people get bored of it in ranked.

just make it so its 2 pulse instead of 3 like they did with breach aftershock, maybe alter some numbers and hes good as gold fully balanced

Two_Percent [#6]

so on attack if the enemies have a tejo you should be forced into garden every time you want to hit b? what are you trying to say hookah is a pivotal part of the map

It really isn't you jumpspot or push if you want or play outside of it there's literally no reason to play there ever why does having tejo change that

Two_Percent [#7]

just make it so its 2 pulse instead of 3 like they did with breach aftershock, maybe alter some numbers and hes good as gold fully balanced

exactly, a good nerf would be to make it not able to kill a full hp enemy

Galactc [#5]

Why are you playing in hookah anyway the place is dogshit to get out of just smoke the choke and wait for jump and it's awful to be in unless you are planning to get 1 with a shotgun

NPC af opinion, if u never contest the main areas of the map (hookah, showers, long etc) then you are just gonna get util dumped in site

composthe [#10]

NPC af opinion, if u never contest the main areas of the map (hookah, showers, long etc) then you are just gonna get util dumped in site

You don't get my point to fall for the util you have to be sitting in hookah when there really isn't a reason to be there

Galactc [#11]

You don't get my point to fall for the util you have to be sitting in hookah when there really isn't a reason to be there

reason: abusing judge


Make it so it cant recharge like the deadlock wall, make it two pulse or keep the three pulse but each pulse deals 60 dmg now (old breach aftershock)

Robot needs to be attached to player to scan out an area, still suppresses player but only for 6 seconds

decrease the Pull out speed for op and odin after using his stun projectile (Its prob a bug)

composthe [#3]

It literally covers all of hookah in bind

Oh ya on bind he's busted. You can clear hookah and lamps completely.

Two_Percent [#7]

just make it so its 2 pulse instead of 3 like they did with breach aftershock, maybe alter some numbers and hes good as gold fully balanced

They won't do that. If you watch the dev update they specifically said he was designed to have high damage so you're forced to move. "Move or die" is his motto.


I feel like to nerf it instead of reducing the amount of pulses they should instead just not make it rechargeable like most mollies, or reduce the damage, and radius a little bit.

I think his other 2 abilities are pretty well balanced though, maybe make the robot a little slower, but not too much slower.


Personally, I think the best way to nerf him while still keeping some of the value of the signature ability is to adjust the pulses and damage per pulse to different break points. Lowering the pulses to two would decrease visual clutter and marginally lower the space denial aspect of the ability by decreasing the overall time it is up. The pulses should be set to 50 damage per pulse, meaning you need to double up the charges to kill full HP targets or deal chip/decay damage with combos like Fade Q. This would also allow Tejo to break KJ ult, but require both charges to be used. I also think the cooldown should be increased and not deleted, we saw what happened to Skye high-key an Initiator without a cooldown is pointless.

Vaaero [#15]

They won't do that. If you watch the dev update they specifically said he was designed to have high damage so you're forced to move. "Move or die" is his motto.

they can do high damage that doesnt kill... maybe make it kill only with light sheilds

Two_Percent [#18]

they can do high damage that doesnt kill... maybe make it kill only with light sheilds

Then that removes the point of "Move or die." The devs don't want you to be able to tank his abilities. That's his design and you can argue if it's good or not but that's how it's staying.


There was something we tried with a friend where I picked vyse and he picked Tejo, placed my wall in some spots were people could not escape and mollies them to death, or just forced them to run into site because of ultimate but the wall popped so only 1-2 could get out, a flash and it’s easily fixed :)

Vaaero [#19]

Then that removes the point of "Move or die." The devs don't want you to be able to tank his abilities. That's his design and you can argue if it's good or not but that's how it's staying.

the devs also said that project a values gunplay. being able to nuke out hookah or split b backsite, and following it up with grenades/mollies/shockdarts heavily devalues gunplay and instead prioritizes just spamming the map with damage


Are we just completely forgetting that brimstone exists?

c00b [#22]

Are we just completely forgetting that brimstone exists?

His signature ability doesn't do any damage

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