is there anywhere I could find those? I checked twitch and he doesn't have any up rn, only found 2 full games on yt. I wanna watch more of his gameplay to improve, is watching OXG/NRG vods the only way?
Watching pro games is the only actual way to improve, learn about why its even important to buy heavy shield and vandal, why not buy heavy shield and stinger right. Soon as you ask those types of questions and understand why certain things are the way they are; you will understand more of the game.
Almost all of Viper players buy phantom
Almost all of Jett players buy vandals
It just takes thinking and alot of practice but im sure you will improve brother <3
thanks, however I understand basic concepts and I know that pro is a lot different than ranked whenit comes to the limitations of teamplay, predicting opponents and how you are supposed to play your role. This sounds nerdy af but I am like an actively thinking person (I optimise my walking paths consciously, I like problem-solving in life and math etc.) and I am more so looking for micro things that are a bit tricky to come by in a larger match VOD. Like how verno approaches a certain angle that I don't often get value at (for example I watched a bind VOD and saw that he scales it differently to what I have seen in immo/asc and even from streamers I watch)I also wanna learn how he ensures high value for util.( < this i think is the easiest to carry from proplay) And how he reads the game IN RANKED to get himself in the most impactful positions.
<333 awesome comment though much love
that is something you cannot magically learn or gain, verno is rarely ever thinking about the little things; its more instinctive and a habit more than critical thinking. think about it; why do most people crouch in gun fights? because its what they learned to do when they first learned how to play the game and its a habit. just make habits and train alot as well as playing alot.
I know, I have more time to practice now that I am in college (shoutout ib fucks you over for 2 years but makes shit so much easier later on) so I am trying to do that. You develop instincitve habita by forcing the correct thoughts through critical thought until they become natural. I played 3 games where I asked myself what would verno do and forced myself to think and I did rwally stat wise and won all 3 despite my aim lagging behind because I was so focused on other things. Its easier to dissect someone who is doing things right and then implement them into your gaemplay slowly until they become habits then think of all of it yourself so yeah. (Like I did his long thing of walking a lot more distance to be on the optimal angle in between fights and hidden from other angles a few times on mid ascent or in postplants)